You can never really tell how the market will go... so assigning a GM to CONTROL said prices in the market is utterly useless.......the demand for said item let say thanatos card for example are greatly influences by how hard it is to get into the thana room.... the competition they had to go through to get into said thana room,and the low drop rate...... all of those things affect the market.... if you have an item that can be easy acquired and the demand isn't as big... then its market can be cheap... but as for said stuff that has a lower drop rate and a high demand.... you can expect that the prices will and can go up...... another example i'm referring is the EoF...... the said price of the EoF before was under or 1000 itself..... but now the market price is getting higher due to the fact that they were getting less and less EoF.... *or someone is hoarding it.... inflation my friend... one can't foresee the price in the market each day or each week.....
there are only 2 options here i guess :th_swt3:
1. Negotiate it with the seller...... try lowering the price if you can... or if you can't then you'll just have to deal with his/her price :th_heh:
2. TRY GETTING IT YOURSELF...... that is always an option.... :th_heh: