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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kyoshiro029

  1. Lonely Christmas

    1. Nas


      Ya..a lonely christmas kyo~

    2. Calcifer


      *Flips table* D:

  2. Goodbye.... ;u; ) thank you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      Nah... its not like I'm going somewhere.... its more like I'm saying Goodbye to someone i hold dear

    3. kyoshiro029


      Goodbye to the 6 years... Goodbye to the Memories... Goodbye to the future i wanted to have..... but i will always hold you dear in my heart, though your feelings might have change.... the fact that you became a part of my life will never change... and for that I Thank you....

    4. kyoshiro029


      Thats what i meant when i said goodbye and thank you.... and i was talking about my Gf

  3. 805
  4. dunno about party...... i only party when i leech someone..... and to my knowledge... its much faster .... if and only IF the player you're in the party with is geared..... that player can just spam "assuming its a wizard" storm gust or lord of vermillion *well that's what i do when i leech someone..... i ask them to go to for_fild06 99 255 with me in the party and the set up of the party is even share of exp... then i'll just spam the hell out of my skill.... only takes a few minutes then viola... 255/255
  5. dunno.... i haven't seen the card slot maker before in this server,,,,, i think its because all Legendary Weapons are 4 slot... and all Legendary equipments..... from upper headgear to armor/cloak/boots are 2 slot....... only the legendary Lower, Middle headgears and shield are 1 slot.... by legendary i mean the forsaken knight set and forsaken king set..... :<
  6. 803
  7. D:< " FIGHT TAH POWAH "
  8. Granted but the world ends before they can announce the WORLD PEACE I wish..... i have "UNLIMITED POWAAHHHH" nuehehehe.... <--- Emperor Palpatine voice...
  9. already have one..... though i don't use it as much, only when i want to read something from a far.... its a pain in the ass wearing glasses all the time..... TPBM - nearly drowned before ...... .O.) nuuuuuuu
  10. Heya Heya.... Welcome to the server and hope you enjoy you stay here..... have fun and have a fruitful start
  11. :O

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      Woot woot.... ┐('~`;)┌

    3. Calcifer
    4. kyoshiro029


      Rawr.... hello chelsea eoe)/")

      *table flips (ノ>○<)ノ⌒┻━┻

  12. D: Nuuuu...... :( later peeps... gonna be out for a few days...

    1. Danger


      Get back soon :) /no1

    2. kyoshiro029


      Eh... but I'm no no. 1 D:

      Thanks though GM Danger

    3. lights_of_purification


      Nuuu... I'll be lonely again. D:

  13. S>+10TealDragonHelm|L.fen/L.Crit/L.LK Spear/L.Snip Bow|2Glooms|Dwiz|LKc

  14. Squidgod... D: i didn't know theres a god of squid....
  15. yah....same as all the quest inside the knight hall..... xD all the quest inside there are knighted quest... so you need to be 255/255 and be an f.knight :3 sorry if didn't mention that one out
  16. Goodluck in recruiting ...... xD
  17. You need to do the quest to gain access to the pet store..... for that go to the knight hall on the stairs you'll see Mr. Bones the dog and the mysterious cloaked guy.... talk to Mr. Bones and he will ask you to get him yellow plates, black cat doll and something... forgot what the others are..... once you done the quest you just talk to him again when you want to go to the pet store
  18. :0 dunno.... i guess... a bit... i do read manga's and watch anime... but i don't collect toys, go to conventions... and cosplay xD Tpbm - has played the new fallout 4 game...... *i havent and i don't think i would... haven't played the fallout series xD
  19. GM.... there is still no Bartender.. :<
  20. dunno..... :o i think everyone is a geek at something.... sports/games/anime/books/etc..... if you like something and you spend time for it..... as well as know a lot about it... then isn't that also considered as being a GEEK.... "in my mind it is.. since geek is someone who knows a lot about something... TPBM - doesn't like it when its too sunny outside...... "i know i do.... i prefer a cloudy day
  22. 798
  23. Granted but you can't control nor adjust your strength.... your strength will always be at full power and all the things you hold gets destroyed...... "superhuman strength" *imagine all the people you hugged.... o-o..... unpleasant sight I wish for A Super Fast INTERNET SPEED D: and an awesome pc to go with it.... and i don't have to pay for the internet :o
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