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Forsaken Elder
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ShadeIromatak last won the day on September 14 2016

ShadeIromatak had the most liked content!

About ShadeIromatak

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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)




Community Answers

  1. Well... I have been hacked RIP FRO it has been good.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Genesis


      Thanks to Gepard Shield, it was pretty easy to pinpoint the items. I have responded to your ticket. All further correspondents should be through your ticket.

    3. Yatogami


      Thanks Gepard Shield xD

    4. flAzulon


      Ahh thank you GM's for the fast action :O Pleasant surprise. I hope you're back in the game Shadel! :D

  2. I agree no one uses rapid shower and I'd like to see it be implimentd, but I have seen spammable desperado that does pretty good damage. Besides that I don't have much knowledge with gs so that's my 2 cents :]
  3. PM me on here whenever ur on, thanks ^-^
  4. Welcome back ^-^ Looking forward to seeing you in the server - hope you enjoy your return ^0^
  5. AHHHH don't tell anyone - it sounds better if comes from you haha
  6. We have been trying to implement the guide for years now LOL, nothing new - great for new players and people who love to farm in general cause of the long quest.
  7. WooT ! nice accurate guide - forgot how long it was, reminds me how lazy I am now and how active I was back then haha
  8. what's your IGN?
  9. More disconnects from whole server today from 2-5pm. I probably re-logged 5-7 times. (I'm from US). Is that 2am back up server time or phil?
  10. Thinking about making a Friggs guide... but also very lazy. Lets see what I can do haha ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LegendOfKai


      Cool then :) I hope I finish my last one before this comes out. XD

    3. Yatogami


      Danger might beat you to it xD He's already on editing the screenshots I guess

    4. ShadeIromatak


      @Yatogami yea I'm gonna let him have it :[ lol I'll see if I can add anything to it ^0^

  11. Why thank you YATOGAWD! <3
  12. @go 34 has a constant error - not sure if it's just me or a problem with anyone else?
  13. There needs to be a GM that attends every WoE (besides Mizel LOL) to watch for these op macro nabs. #LetUsPlay
  14. As stated above Lokis w/ifrits or Str runes SinX B Ring O Crit Or Trade to Purple LTD Imp + few toks Offer ^-^ IGN : Vincenzo
  15. You! Yaya! Lightning! ME! <3
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