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Everything posted by nate1002

  1. of course you can, it just pretty hard and take some effort to implement it properly without making people cry.
  2. yup, i agree. In the long run it will just be more people on map with lesser zeny on each. But new players (They still need to be able to 1hit acidus to get decent zeny/hr, and a sniper can easily do that with FAS and legend gears) can go there and try their luck and hard work. And i also agree turning off pk is only a temporary fix. well, rms.net stated their spawn rate is 60/10mins, so this makes the "turning off pk" less viable. if they instant spawn, it will be a complete different scenario
  3. Firstly i would like to call out the idiots. All players knew perfectly well this is a PK server, and we play this best high rate server because players like to pvp and to be in this server. And this is discussed in a post for a specific reason. Please read what people type and think deeper with your head, then comment with a more specific and solid reason and make this constructive. (For example, you can simply say you enjoy killing under geared player in abyss_03 but dislike getting PVP token in a real pvp environment. Turning of PK ruined your fun.) Now, i can go back and comment: As Rayray and Sartorius19 already covered most points, i am just gonna restate things i agreed on. In the situation of Farming zeny, PK off in abyss_03 can let more under geared players with enough damage to farm there for the boxes and it surely will let new player get more zeny. For gearing purpose, right now detale has no key gear drops so players hunt him for quest items. If you are new and try to get gears u should hunt Ktullanux first then all other mvps or just simply camp at the mvp room NOT hunting detale... (if you want detale card, just broadcast and buy them for cheap, there will be players happily sell them to you) For quest purpose, just think of the 9realm quest items. Certain things harder to hunt because they may meant to be "rare" in the server. For fair chances of getting detale loot, sart19 had a pretty good suggestion (plus some mmo uses that feature too). Or read what rayray said, because i do the similar thing with my guildmates to secure drops from mvp. So in the light of "more zeny for newbie", I would say +1 to turn off PK in abyss_03 but i don't think this can help new players with the detale since the loot will belongs to player with more damage output. Plus, it will only be a short term fixed, since there seems to be a growing number of players but not growing places for farming even though mobs are instant spawn, there are limits for player per maps. If i think of the longer term changes, I would think there could be another custom map for zeny faming purpose (BUT not as high zeny per hour as abyss_03 unless players learn to group up and farm), then we can leave the abyss_03 as they were now. I can foresee people will talk about seed and berry farming, but well you sell them to players, not npc.
  4. Virael, I am sure you did not read the site carefully. 1. Blue vote Valk helm can be exchanged to other coloured vote valk helm in @warp for_elite 67 102. 2. Not currently. But king version of wolf pup would be great to have, and you can suggest it in the forum. However, the best lower headgear items right now are Blessed/cursed rings. Plus, vote cape is one of the best option before you transit to lower headrings. You can also quest for the non-donation ring, but I personally doubt its practicality in game. You seem to be confused about what the server offers to players. Here are some infos, 1. Raiding and donating gives you all sorts of cool looking kings headgear, Normal king set can be purchase with 100 tok(for each piece) in kings room. Cheaper if purchased from players. 2. Activity, Event, GvG, PvP, BR token let you further gear up accordingly for raiding. 3. Currently, most player know when to swap gears to get the anti-frozen effects in desired situation, and it all comes down to pvp experience. (But king wolf pup can be nice to have in the future, but since it may affects pvp, it could be better to have a post to discuss it properly.) 4. Vote king sets are a perfect alternative gearing option for players who wanted to experience the server before donating. And again vote cape is one of the best option before you have a lower headrings. Plus, it is perfectly possible to get fully geared without any donation, it just you need to put more time and play more server content in a specific way. Well, if you only play around wolf pup in all of your characters it certainly can be a bit frustrating now. But legend wolf pup is kind of a new item in the server, so I guess you may want to wait for the new content in the future. Hope this helps. :)
  5. +1. looks great. well done you guys. If implemented, i can take HW seriously and get mine gear up.
  6. Plus most players cant do simple math.
  7. Oh, and one thing, the PK server reasoning is not a smart reasoning, those players are probably new to PK server or blind. Its easy to spot them if they are there to kill people and think they can farm faster. And I have friends farm there just to kill off those players who spam FAS and SG without looking, yea she is crazy.
  8. well done, detailed in how you did it and newbie friendly. But do try to sell zeny for tok (at least 1bn to 60tok), all the items you said you bought are slightly over priced. So, try your best to trade with tok if they cost over 100m. Abyss_03 is kinda fun, plus you will eventually have a HW, sniper and champ, because they are too easy to use and not that hard to gear for farming. Plus there isnt much going on in RO in general lol. And well, i am a donor and i do farming sometimes, its like having a break. Anyways, here is another map you can try out, @warp moc_pryd04. Aim: ONE hit Isis for 2,3carat diamonds (fill your backpack with junk so you only @autoloot those diamonds) Gears: Legend hammer with 4 minorous card (Or 1 zipper bear + 3mino for purple box farming as well) Any armour with bathory card (So mimic cant stun lock you if you decided to walk in the map, and of cause you can always @warp) Any Boots with moonlight card Cape with gaint whisper card or choco (there isnt much interesting option in RO cards) Buff: Normal power thrust (No need for maximum P-T, yup haha) Cart boost (if no moonlight card) What to do on the map: 1. Type @autoloot and cast your buff 2. Spam Tomahawk and 1-hit isis (HighSpeedCartRam if no Legend hammer) 3. @warp or walk to hunt another group of isis Pros: Look at the gear requirements... Cons: 3rd to 4th fastest zeny farming only Trash drops from Osiris. (Yup, you may want to hunt some mvp when you are farming, but sadly osiris gives nothing in this server) Can be a bit boring if you dont like Egyptian cartoon.
  9. nate1002

    Gym Pass

    Try fitnessfirst or pure if you want to meet new faces. Or any independent one with at least 3+ set of barbell and plenty of weight plates, or custom equipment if you are serious about training. But well, i have no idea what are the context of your question. lmao
  10. By donation room, if you mean kings room, there is only angeling wings id#15027. I guess #15210 is old donation then.
  11. Thanks for the post, i laughed, hahaha. There are so many inconsistency in this post. If you are talking about vote gear, thats probably not a GM, just a normal player fking around with you and genesis. Type @warp for_bar 250 290. look for vote redeemer. If thats really a GM you talked to, he probably thought you bought the donation armour. Hope you knew this before i post this.
  12. What if he has a point to tell us? (probably not a good one tho) So, i suggest we let him find out himself. :th_gg: Try pvp with your sprint set and 4 silver, let us know the stats, Such as 1. how many times of you get a kill by only spamming your skills.(no normal attack) 2. how many times you die to what status effects. 3. how many times you die to invisible enemy. 4. how many times you die to 1 hit. 5. longest kill streaks and conclude by telling us how you feel with your performance with sprint set 4silvers. :th_no1:
  13. Following are the list of aesthetic wings/ lower headgear I wanted to have. And I wonder if there is a way to acquire them in the server now, or I can only purchase from other players? Because i cant even see it in the token shop... Angel wing id#15210 Siva id#15487 Death angel id#15039 Gaia wing id#15624 Many thanks Nate
  14. FAS if you are new. There are detailed newbie friendly sniper guides in the archer section. enjoy :)
  15. Well, its not a that big of a deal when you use more @warp. Those who are dedicated to kill farmers or new players are usually FAS sniper, storm gust wizard and a little bit of asura champion. They usually only have bad/ legendary gears. There are some who kill new players wearing emp or donation items but its rare. Remember your priority is your own objective, such as getting your farm item, mvp or whatever, not wasting time on those players. Here is what the server let you do 1. put @warp <map> in your alt+m 2. do 60-70%+ damage to the mob you are hunting then warp away within the map. You will autoloot when mob was killed by others. 3. use /where and @warp <map> <x,y> (you may want to get used to play without bm mode) 4. remember who that was and join other normal players to gank them if happened. (Go to abyss_03 and observe.) Dealing with FAS sniper and wizard: Do more number 2. You will get your item if they just mindlessly aoe. Dealing with champ: Use 3. (usually in mvp hunt.) But player with a right mind will just asura the mvp, not players because of number 2. Dealing with emp or fully geared player: Its called pvp but with @warp active. (And its pretty dumb) Just know how to pvp by reading guides from sartorius19, rayray, etc. But try to respect all people even if they are asses, you aim is to get your own objective done. Or if you are bored and have spare time just do what rayray did but with MORE friends in a party, it will be HILARIOUS.
  16. Well, you continuously failed to identify what i was trying to say, then try to elaborate using millions of words and your so called "example" as "back up". And well, I really shouldn't play along with your idiocy in the first place, my bad. And If you are trying to win a discussion in one post on a small forum, sure, you can have the win. I don't give a damn about winning in a discussion like this, lmfao. You don't even understand what I am trying to say in the first place and you accused another person on the internet trying to trash talk, bash your argument or not giving solid back up... Well played bro, well played. I will stop here because I don't see people here are talking about a simple way to separate the higher level pvp meta and the RNG luck kill. The next better step is to wait and see how fro develop in the future. Not because of you "elaborated" on my point, you failed miserably in trying to adjust the problem I saw, and I forgive you. I don't want to know what kind of problems you are going through now, but anyways, bless you my friend.
  17. Oh and I would appreciate if you can just make it shorter, clearer using simple example like rayray did. You recycled a lot of redundant points for the sake of arguing, I hope you will put your energy and time into good use in the future. Also typing more irrelevant issues doesn't make you more logical. Anyways, I will get back to you Shadi.
  18. Thanks for reading the massive junk i have to type to reply shadi, I agree with most of what you said, and again mine is just a humble suggestion, and I agree my own opinion isn't really about op or nerf(I dont think its op, my suggestion is halved the percentage, if its not viable its not viable period), and i surely did let go, no problem with that :) Forsaken already did an exceptional job on rebalancing an old game. I really shouldn't expect too much from a game built in an old engine, my bad and i do apologise. I have to type all the junk because the argument shadi stated aren't clear and straight enough also he missed my original point. All he have to do is to make it simple and clear which could be similar to what you did. I will reply when I have time later this week. Thanks for relpying.
  19. I just said certain players depends more on it. Random number generation is a general term that can be used to describe certain effects was coded in a way to create a chances for it to happened. It doesn’t matter if you add the word “solid” to describe the word “percentage”. Any skills isn’t 100% chance casted required a random number generation mechanics while coding it, i really hope you get that concept clear, friend. Using average 33 auras hits can be pretty misleading, plus you just reworded the “3% chance“ using asura as a example…, its just a general saying. Experience player know it doesn’t work that way. (since there is popular way view it: You have 3 % chance to lex everytime you try to hit with asura, you can say on average you will have 1 lex every 33 hits, but you could have 3-5 lex in row and that will cause instant kill and its not that surprising to see it lex multiple times in a row, since that 3% chance is independent to each other in each hit. ) That percentage is not up to me nor you to decide what to do with it, since you will always say its low enough, i would say maybe not that low. It will just be an endless loop that goes nowhere. Thanks for agreeing with what i said about 2hits kill. 5/6 commands as being offensive to kill a player isn’t a lot unless you have a slow network or a bad keyboard. In your case, ygg and gear swapping are reactive defence that we all get used to it already, using this to compare with asura commands are a bit misleading. Very cheeky shadi, nice try, but its more or less like a cheeky comparison. after all, you just simply want to say halved the puppetring and baron will make norm asura build completely unviable. Then just make it short and clear then say that current norm builds heavily depends on puppetring and owl baron effects loud and proud, i will appreciate that. No need for apology, my original intention is to rise the skill cap for champ, not nerfing anything. But since you “proved” (or at least trying really hard to prove) that the current asura build is heavily depends on that two specific cards, I understands why you think my intention is to nerf champ, But I really wasn’t. And most importantly its not up to my own opinion to dictate what needs to be done to champ. Again the gear swapping explanation is unnecessary, we all love gear swapping they are fun and thats probably the only reason we play fro. Really? but you don’t really have other points, you just implying everything one leads to another. Sure, you did not specific say the words “ puppetring owl baron asura champ” but you totally imply that champ build define the pvp skill cap of the whole fro server, then that leads you to claim champ are the only one to make the whole pvp experience fun for all other classes. And again, you totally imply that if they lower the chances of that 2 cards, it will leads to norm champ became completely unviable, then it will lead to the collapse of FRO. It just a over the top and fear based commend. I personally won’t have any problem about whatever you wanted to say, but i want to make it clear that you did imply that. Well, I don’t think you understand that i am just mocking your dooms day scenario which you claimed earlier, so don’t put too much thought on it. Again, your 33 times to lex is not a practical way to view it. its too general and a bit misleading. Friend, you did not leave it out, you removed it and commend on an lesser important sentence. And you just claim to know that i don’t like to put specific gear on. Erm thats really interesting of you to say that, so… would you like a picture of my account panel and see what my main character are wearing even when i was offlined? and what other amours/gears in their inventory for swapping? You are getting slightly too creative there and started to imagining things, and i surely did not demand to change that 2 cards. Its only a humble suggestion and and i already said the term “boring build” is my subjective comment and you don’t have to agree, I never claim that to be a major problem, so I would be much appreciated if you can refrain to make too much of a deal about it. After all life goes on, it doesn’t really bothers me if they leave it as it is or take action on it, I am pretty sure there are many ways to make the pvp more fun and skilful, this is just another constructive discussion on the forum. See you all in the server and happy pvp.
  20. You have to keep in mind that we are discussing about the card effects for specific class, not proposing any changes to any skills of a champion. And we all agreed this will affect more to the unskilled champ players. And I will make this clearer for you: Owl Baron card gives 3% chance cast lex = uses random number generation = more chance for champ to do 1 shot kill Puppetring card gives 10% chance stone curse enemy when attacked= uses random number generation = more chance for champ to do 1 shot kill And since you said they build around this, so unskilled players actually depends more on this two skills to autocast, right? And they are random number generation, no need to dwell on this point anymore. I would say 2 hits kill are much more acceptable. Please read what i said again. “Swapping gear should not be the main consideration in pvp, they should be there to demonstrate how well you know about countering other player, but it should not be the first concern. “ I think gear swapping is a fun mechanics, I play FRO too. We know it matters alot in high level pvp which its a good thing. You can stop wasting time on making your points on this matter. You can also stop explaining the gear swapping mechanics, its off topic. Its rock paper scissors as in counter effects, no one is encouraging luck base game play here. (Plus its a simple analogy, no analogy is perfect, let it go friend.) You just make a commend to compare one specific champion build to the whole FRO server... Its not an argument. Should I delete every single class in my account except my champ and only play it to massively rise the skillcap in FRO? And should all players do that too? I already agreed earlier that it would be fun to have chances to one shot skill, but it should be lesser chances at high level play. And that is why my initial suggestion is to half the chances, not completely disable, i do find that completely disable both cards are a bit harsh on champ. I agree its very subjective thats why we are having a discussion for this. And we said it over and over again this should affects unskilled champ players more. Erm, please read all of the things i typed, why would you quoted me but then removed my important point and say something about it… I said, " Everyone get gr, skoll and radric as default because of the server is flooded with brainless asura. We get used to it and know how to counter it doesn't mean we should let the boring build lying around. " And its a subjective comment, you don't have to agree, but removing my main point are just pathetic. Thanks for the reply shadi.
  21. FAS add crit when you cast it, so 84crit is enough if you are a FAS spammer, I am pretty sure you didnt read it carefully. But if you really are talking about people who put 101 crit, those people just love crit with left click attack. You should try both and see what fits your plays style. Not sure what exactly you want to ask in the second part. But well, physical damage in this game is about by passing enemy defence, so when you are trying to damage people, its either crit attack or thana/ ice pick. DS make uses of thana, and FAS utilise crit mechanics. And 110k health is below par. Also, getting gears and resetting your stats isnt that hard of a thing in this server, just ignore those weirdos like opiate... they are really weird.
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