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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ares

  1. Please right click fkenro.exe > properties > compatibility > windows XP. Do the same for setup.exe The game should run properly after these steps.
  2. It's a given.
  3. Looks good to me. I'll see what I can do.
  4. I'm currently hosting Survival!
  5. Hey heha! Could you re-take this screenshot since we would need recent screenshots. Not the one from last year. Just re-take and edit your post. Thanks!
  6. Let us know when. :)
  7. I'm also okay with this. :)
  8. Theme: BE MY VALENTINE Start date: February 3, 2015 End date: February 22, 2015 It's already February! This month's theme is all about love: Be My Valentine! Read the MECHANICS carefully and post your screenshots on this topic! We are now accepting entries. Good luck and have fun!
  9. there are useful commands such as @whodrops and you may also refer to http://ratemyserver.net
  10. Winners of the Monthly Screenshot Contest are the following: 3rd Place: thePast, 2nd Place: Krenis, 1st Place: coffee break! PM me in-game or add me in Skype: ares.forsakenro to claim your prize!

    1. Prismaneko


      :I ... WELL! Was worth the shot! Congrats to the winners.

    2. Ares


      Don't you worry, you still have another chance next month!

  11. Ares

    Msc Winners

    Theme: Plans For 2015 Date: January 2015 Entries: 25 3rd Place Forum name: thePast In-game name: Gemini Entry: click here to view Prize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: Krenis In-game name: xKrenis Entry: click here to view Prize: 25 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: coffee break In-game name: pimpim Entry: click here to view Prize: 50 Event Tokens Stay tuned for next theme for February 2015! Remember to read the Mechanics before submitting your entry.
  12. I AM NOW HOSTING GUILD vs GUILD Let me show you how awesome GvG is...
  13. What kind of quest will we get from you guys? Btw, this should be at the Suggestions topic. :)
  14. 1 day left for Monthly Screenshot Contest! Submit your entry now before it's too late! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30321-screenshot-contest-theme-plans-for-2015-january-2015/

  15. you should have provided your username when you order via Tokenshop. If you have forgotten to do so, please respond to the automated email with your account username.
  16. Novice vs Zombie is fun fun fun!!!
  17. We are currently working on this. Thank you.
  18. Monthly Screenshot Contest is about to end! Submit your entry before January 23, 2015! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30321-screenshot-contest-theme-plans-for-2015-january-2015/

  19. For instances like this, please do the following: Go to https://forsaken-ro.net/cp Login your account Choose the character that experiences the error Click on the "Reset Position" button Login to fRO and it should be okay
  20. I don't know why people find the last patch a big deal because we only made sure that 3rd party programs will not work on this server. That is to be fair with the legitimate players who don't use 3rd party programs. And take note that it is a working progress.
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