I'll try to summarize what I understood from that. Correct me if I'm wrong. You suggest that we have a sprint test for Emperium breaking that has the similar system of the MvP Rooms?
Not exactly. Aerofox became a stalker just now. (have to redo that siggy) [AND SPEAKING OF SIGS, MAZ YOU CAN FINALLY REST IN PEACE, I'M MAKING YOURS SINCE I FOUND THE CAPE AFTER CENTURES OF SEARCHING.] TPBM took some pills today.
Not sure but I have a feeling you're making a Battle Realms reference. give me 3 kiel cards if I'm right huehue
Wolf Clan.
Yggdrasil Leaf or Resurrection?
This is a GREAT idea for those forum veterans like me and you. Problem is, the prize is higher than GM-hosted ones, so revert it down to 8 tokens for first place, -2 for 2nd and -4 for 3rd.