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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kuoch

  1. Who the hell would want to have infinite acid bottles. Specially when macro exist. You'll get constant stun lock, no matter what the situation. STUN LOCKED FOR DAYS.
  2. Hi.
  3. Hi. I'd like to join. My favorite GM is GM Genesis. He's the best. Can I has invite to guild pls? :3
  4. So, who here watches ano natsu, or another ? Some serious shit man!
  5. 50% Treasure Chance is still low. For an example. Emperium Aurora drop rate is 2.00%. 50% of 2% is 1%. So the floating rate for Emperium Aurora is 3%. 2% + 1% = 3%. The drop rate isn't 50%. You might think that it increased to 50% chance but no buddy. Its 50% of the current drop rate. Oh and I think the drop rate of Thanatos Scroll is also increased as it was announced in-game yesterday. Not sure about the weekends. I don't think the weekends effect even took place. Thanatos is still .70% chance. Not 1.40% yet when I @mi Thanatos.
  6. 17:00. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    1. hazel


      Leggo! Patriots or Giants?

    2. kuoch


      |:. Patriots, losing twice to Giants again? Disappointed

    3. Justice


      Oh man, I love the Puppy Bowl.

  8. kuoch


    Are you guys going to re-review the one that has already been sent it, or should we just resend it again to make sure.
  9. I want me a good donut. Mhmmm..

  10. I HIT 100! (By crawling on my knees!) LOLOLOL
  11. kuoch

    Need A Tech Geek.

    Pretty much did turn it off, and it still happens. When I run RO this things goes up to 900k. Ridiculous. I really can't figure this thing out. I can't even use my PC for gaming anymore because of this. So, I'm stuck with just browsing the net. |:
  12. kuoch

    Need A Tech Geek.

    I've tried using all those already, didn't really change much. So yeah, I'm just going to result to just wiping it. Sigh, what a waste. Oh well, thanks for all the tips and what not.
  13. kuoch

    Need A Tech Geek.

    I am on window xp. Right clicking it from task manger doesn't show any services. At least for me it doesn't. What's another way of getting to services.
  14. kuoch

    Need A Tech Geek.

    Tried that already, manage to happen all over again. 300k+ with svchost, Pft.
  15. I'm having a svchost taking up so much of my memory usage and it's slowing me the fuck down. Once I shut it down with task manager, it shuts my sound driver down and a bunch of other shit. I tried scanning my pc with Malwarebytes/S&D Bot, but they have no luck in getting it out, or finding it. Any idea anyone? Help appreciated if you could.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpRuWWIgx3s
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