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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kuoch

  1. Welcome to the club.
  2. Welcome to the club
  3. Easy, use the right element arrows, have a THANATOS CARD. And you'll start seeing numbers flying out of the ass of the Thana.
  4. Merry FUCKIN' New Years.

  5. Write a ticket.
  6. Welcome to the club.
  7. kuoch


    Welcome to the club.
  8. Nope. I like to hunt my preys inside inns.
  9. I don't think 3rd jobs exist on this server.
  10. Welcome to the club.
  11. Welcome to the club
  12. I'm pretty swell. Been busy and blah blah blah. And Merry Christmas to you too! And if you manage to get Somdara account unbanned, sure, you can has whatever you want. Maybe. c;. If you get his account unbanned. ;P

  13. Welcome to the club.
  14. kuoch


    Or you can write a ticket if you don't get an answer from the GMs. Easier way to solve things around here.
  15. my sexy man. <3
  16. Welcome to the club. Hope you enjoy yourself while you can.
  17. Where da shirtless pic?!
  18. Ship hat out scales kobold in damage, it doesn't matter if it says kobold needs a crossbow. I think the script just count for all ranged wep. In other words, invest in a ship hat, not a kobold.
  19. Nigga, why you asking me to gear you when I barely have anything either. I LOST ALL MY WEAPONS! EVEN LOST MY VOLUSPA STAFF AND SOUL LINKER STAFF. CARLOS DON'T EVEN PLAY THOSE CLASSES AND NIGGA LOSES IT!
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