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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kuoch

  1. .
  2. Hi, you loook nice today.
  3. Ahh, I miss those feels! I remember having those kind of feels, haha. Its really nostalgic. But now, I only play fRO to keep in contact with a few friends that are left. Sadly enough, all of my really close friends that I have memories with are gone. Ahh, the memories, good times. RO will always have that kind of feel for me. Now everytime I log on RO, I either afk the first 10 seconds, or just log off. :c
  4. kuoch

    This Or That?

    Arizona. Forks or chopsticks
  5. Lmao. Great work. I wish I could have fun with RO like you do, but I burned out all the fun years ago. :c
  6. Hi, you look nice today.
  7. kuoch


    Hi, you look nice today.
  8. Hi, you look nice today.
  9. kuoch

    This Or That?

    Loner. Ashley Vee or Ashley Vee
  10. Hi, you look nice today.
  11. Oncd upon a time, there was a place where it never rained. The end.
  12. kuoch


    Hi, you look nice today.
  13. Buy an expensive keyboarf that has a macro hotkey. Thats how you become pro.
  14. Hi.
  15. kuoch

    Off Topic

    That Dannie Riel sig. Tsk tsk, Som.
  16. My wife. c:
  17. Hi.
  18. kuoch


  19. kuoch


    pls j. i wan 2 c tis sxc man.
  20. kuoch

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but you had to share it with me. I wish for a dollar.
  21. Incant only works with tss, not asura.
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