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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kuoch

  2. Standard asuras are 280+ str. Minimum of 5800 sp. Cards for knuxs; tg/tg/tg/civil servent Shoes; antique firelocks. 2 of them. anything else you want to know? Oh and at the moment, champs are kinda underpowered.
  3. Yes pls.
  4. kuoch


    Take off your shirt, bby.
  5. Hi.
  6. Hi.
  7. kuoch

    This Or That?

    Donuts. Having someone poop on your chest, or taking a golden shower.
  8. kuoch


  9. When Emp auras was rare to get. ND-PvP. LTS. Limitless days. Bugged Fcity. Limitless All I has from my photobucket. Good times.
  10. #1 GvG Guild. Phantasm! :3
  11. Hi.
  12. How about me, Linda. Am I handsome, or what.
  13. You need a shit ton of dex to hit mvps on this server. The MVPs are modded here, not unless they changed it while I was gone. Hue.
  14. I tot i dl pokeman gaem. awts. i tink i brek pc.
  15. I'm to lazy to turn on my xbox.
  16. Hi. I'm new to the server. Can you give me items please.
  17. Hi
  18. Lolol, no. I'm not willing to come back anytime soon. ALL FOR FUNSIES.
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