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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Nowadays too much fake, so lets count legends. bombin! dragon fury airi trong maii heha collin leona sebos dedz
  2. You aint face the reality. These ninjas abused it with 1flip tatami followed by 3spam of FS. even lk with 420k hp ezpz died. And you'll see some great "haxors" spam fs in woe like there was no tomorrow. #MakeFroGreatAgain
  3. nope! I didnt celebrate it TPBM wants fRo to be great and free from imbalance things !
  4. ;w; haroo
  5. I doubt you can understand the magnitude of the stupidity in your statement.

    1. p3wp3w


      Lol ppl are stupid because they don't know they're stupid.

  6. Well there's no stronger item, we all have same eq. Fkingset,ltd,emp,lhz,acces,ring,valkwep,seed,berrys,converter etc. It just overpower item or no, sorry to say, newbie can easily donate overpower/iMba/bRoken stuff, be "strong" then claim yourself "pro". What a shame. I got your point that you use RM(real money) for this pixel world, sooner or later if server closed, will you end-up crying to gen that you spend your RM here?
  7. Indeed
  8. No ray, my point is between note7 n updates nowdays is like that, you pointed it before "like seriously average damage now is 70-100k,i only can do that if my mammo thana and his on gtb" these bug will not showned up if update itself not "Overpower" like bioC 300%++ mammo damage. Why need hundreds %. For forum sake come play back, Or at least test it. Yes no one forced you to donate, but please who'll not /slur if there such hundreds% . Or what i can said,advertisement skill. Cookie, sg got less hp,if u grab 2ol and bb him(he'll default rsx tho) u can tank that, in other words he cant tank that. *based on expriments, you can ask jake,tarishnav,leona both of us pvping with im default 2ol and im use bio(less hp without tgk) sometimes i win,sometimes him. He used sg.G ofc.and i why not grab some token fir buy VR. On WoE, well i dont judge any of this, if you got devo, then you can be sg. Or else, you just suicide there. Back then sg doesnt have valk wep, 4slotted wep. These cards also give big influence to damage u deal, reduce 700% damage for 500% is fine.its 2% tho. 25% hp is fine, without devo sg is dead meat. About kihop, thats natural of sg, you got more guildmate, more high damage you can deal. (Merged some more) to get those kihop efficient :)
  9. Yeah! what your recieve more high than what you hit. Rip glass cannon
  10. Wew such fite. My oppinion, dont "bash" me please ! :yes you can counter every job ingame while 1 on 1 pvping, like napalm with gtb or holy armor(since napalm is ghost ele),same trough sg can be counter with some switching, but yeah we aint facing 1on1 in WoE, you go holy armor, ninjas *cough cough* FS ur ass,drop dead. I'm assume This arguement all about nerf shit can be avoid if development-team tested it on test server and use their brain to thinking that damage is OverPower or no in legit duel or WoE before release it. We dont want samsung Note7 upgrades. You know what i mean. *rip gs.g 2016-2016 x
  11. Yeah why not man. Aloe also need love. Even badges got tickets, why not aloe :)
  12. Tk bring = gsBring
  13. What a pathetic thinking. Thats why im saying that you cant stay alive without your pally. Disabling party will make people like you know what is competition. Lex,dispell? You can default to gtb all the time if u got personal slave pally, u wont be effected by those skill dude. Still disabling party will change nothing?
  14. Please waw, you compared it with good old days? When there was no such OP item etc? Man seriously you from dinasour Fro era? I dont think i know who you are, nvm its not the issue. Back then is purest game style i ever had, less cheat, but now?ask yourself :) you know what happend surround. " Unfortunately now the skill of players has deteriorated and there isn't a lot of competition left " Uhh seriously? I thought you the one who merged,now u said u want competition? *out from issue too. P.s:Please dont compared it with good old days dude, everything was changed now.
  15. Waw no,i love pineapples in my pizza, but i like mushroom more! TPBM stay up when tmr is his/her offday(like me)
  16. Yea nice idea, if enemy doesnt have fcp you will be good af. But once fcp+gtb=gg
  17. Uh what i know crit cant be double attack. If you really want dagg,just use orig fenrir for some boost on CRIT(just some ofc).
  18. And yes reporter must know how to make diff betweeen low-ping and sprite edit user, some trick to know BN user is their spam slow but hit twice, and u can compared the DPS.
  19. " This might be an useless post once again, or it will get ignored, or they will say "st0p cry1n meing u jus a nub". " Hope they wont remove your status/topicb(am i like sarcastic? ) .They Cheat too much bass. Even during woe if you can pnuema,you will see these clown spam Av non stop, u can grab your f**kin recorder that time to record it? lul. I heard gm cant be in castle during WoE, then hired one or two people(who arent leading or playing in any guild ofc,we dont need bias GM) . Nice :)
  20. The one who cant stay alive without pally?
  21. Yes,who doesnt? Lol Tpbm doesnt like to sleep?
  22. What a world is this. I hope there was "Delete" button in my life. So i can destroy my "innocent" .

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