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Ohki last won the day on December 7 2014

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  1. Have to disagree on that, as I've tested this back and forth-- say you have 2 TG+Skel+Inca on l. weapon, my damage will be about 4-5k per hit in each combo skill kick depending on opponent's gears, but barehanded with the Sprint bonus it's only going to be about 2k ... So the 4 card slots are definitely an advantage. The downside in wearing a weapon is that it drastically lowers your Aspd, making you put a crap-ton of stats into Agi to get 195 aspd...
  2. PARANO¡A here. .-. Even with a full party for max Kihop bonus (it caps out at 10 party members/+100% atk, I believe), TK ranker's damage leaves a lot to be desired, so +1 to the general idea. The whole idea of the top 10 ladder is to make taekwon a competitive class, but there's not going to be many people competing if the damage is horrible. With the current scores, it really doesn't take that long to get on the top 10, and it took me about 3 or 4 days to get to #1, so I don't think it needs to be reset -- but the reward isn't really worth the effort as it stands atm. I had the idea that any future Valkyrie weapons could give normal bonuses/stats like any other valk weap, and just disable the Kihop bonus altogether while wearing it so it wouldn't be completely overpowered. I know rankers are tanky (about as much hp as a LK on pvp build, and as high as 1m hp on vit build), so maybe that could be balanced out with the weapon as well? Idk, it would need some thought and testing...
  3. You're doing Thana room while you're asleep? Lol. Honestly though, how about filing a ticket on the matter to figure out what the real problem is instead of flinging around highly unlikely accusations against staff? Because I seriously doubt any GM currently employed on this server would jail someone just for doing the Thana room...
  4. This is just a barely educated guess, but I'd assume Lua scripts for homculus/mercenary would run into problems with the way our grf's are set up.
  5. Try clicking REG instead of LUA in opensetup.
  6. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/forbidden-runes-quest-r143
  7. Ohki

    Newbie Question

    Answered in PM.
  8. If the character is still wearing the Wanderer Helm, take it off and re-log. It tends to cause bugs with skills and such when you wear it through leveling.
  9. Ohki

    Newbie Question

    Mini Furnace can only be obtained from Old Blue/Violet Boxes, and Convex Mirror is not available here.
  10. What version of Windows are you running? Also, do you have your graphics card selected in Setup.exe, or the Direct3D HAL thing? Try switching between them, and if you're in full-screen mode, make sure the selected resolution matches your monitor size.
  11. Ohki

    Newbie Question

    Actually, if you search the database, you will find ND versions of jackets and scarves also. Whether or not you can actually get them (yet) I have no idea. .-.
  12. Ohki

    Loading Problem!

    Ragnarok encounters a lot of bugs when run on Windows 8 for some reason. Try running fkenro.exe in compatibility mode with an earlier version of Windows, and also run as admin. If that doesn't work, try updating your graphics card's drivers, and whitelisting fkenro.exe in any anti-virus or firewall software you might be using.
  13. Ohki

    Newbie Question

    Here is the quest for the Forsaken Dungeon Pass, which is the best place to farm Yggdrasil Berries: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/misc-quests/forsaken-dungeon-pass-quest-r70 Once you have it, you can stick it in one of your hotkeys and use it to warp around the dungeon like with a Fly Wing.
  14. In that case, try disabling any anti-virus you might be running or whitelisting fkenro.exe in it.
  15. Might have something to do with being installed in your Pictures library. Try re-installing it to its normal directory in Program Files.
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