I try to help new players often, its almost a daily thing now. I'll be at fcity and if I see a chatbox asking for help or something simple like "where is the mall" and I'm usually the only one who bothers helping the lost guy. I am thankful that I have been able to make acquaintances in-game which have helped me tremendously in not just gearing but also simple navigation and interface problems. Also that I am in such a helping and well mannered guild. [mates at Jenova. love y'all] Sometimes I feel like they just made a second account to obtain free-bees..please don't waste the time and effort I put into the items that I don't mind sharing and the time I put into you [new players or just help-seeker]. <- That is also for all the warm-hearted players. That's all I'm asking for, to keep the server from being flooded by scammers. Don't be lazy! quest, quest, quest, and farm, farm, farm ;D. I know sometimes it can be tedious but complaining won't make you finish faster hahaha. I've lost count of how many times I've given my zeny farming coordinates or tours of the whole forsaken city.
Okay guys, I think that is enough for one post ^.^ [also my first ever "for the public" post] [side Note] - Unrelated
If Magic reads this, not that I even know if he goes on forums or not, please host Hide and Seek Events xD.