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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Dus

  1. Nope those are all mine i found another 3 on my champ
  2. Just got home. hu3hu3 well i only got a few
  3. Let me gather all my thana and see how many I have
  4. I think majority of the players knows about thana summon scrolls minus the newbies and we get it u got 3 thana lets move on shall we?
  5. Dus

    This Or That?

    Dexter. A Dexter dipped in that crimson red fluid. He can stab me all day , such a dangerous sexy beast Dillusional or emotionally damage
  6. Looking for people to raid with today

  7. Wao. So everyone wants to fucking priest nao. #twerk4genesis

  8. I made 3 New Priest 255/255 all Forsaken Knight and still stuck on that part so I don't know, I double checked the requirements everything checks out so It kinda frustrates me
  9. In the future please use English when posting/replying, We get it this server is populated with mostly Filipinos. See how I bold the word mostly because the rest is not Welcome back Other James. Hope you find FRO a still interesting game like you did before I'll see you around the field
  10. Actually it's not just private servers, some third party forums like jailbreak forums and hack forum has been attacked as well around the same time FRO went down
  11. Dus


    The brave may not live long but cautious does not live at all -Lee Everret, Walking Dead
  12. Dus

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but then goats started to mutate and ate them all I wish nutella
  13. Dus

    This Or That?

    Having sight, then becoming blind, though being born blind has it's pros in a moral perspective, but sometimes its better to have something we take for granted then lose it to truly appreciate our gifts. Able to speak but can't be understood or being mute
  14. Dus

    Association Game

    Space Exploration Marshall Lee
  15. Nope. TPBM is bored as fvck
  16. I actually double already double checked the items also did create 3 duff chars and tried it on there and still doesnt work
  17. Hello i've been trying all day to figure this out but to no avail. I have the right items but this nab Heith wont take my items so Im basically stuck. Can someone shed some light to this
  18. Cursed has more farming while Blessed has more walking
  19. Noble Hats +10 VHEPS since theyre only for someone else's collection so i dont really need it for stats xD
  20. Who do I have to suck around here to get me some Priest Cursed and Asgards aye?

    1. sshinytoyguns


      Dustin...lol..omg...i just died laughing... xD

    2. Dus


      Well mate I made it happen xD

    3. Dus


      Hunty did some virtual pixel dong sucking xD

  21. What a botter would say. The people of FRO had spoken NO and It's never gonna happen. If you want a botting game go play a Point and Click Browser Game there's a lot that I could recommend you. And just FYI I bot in real life, Im lazy at work that I made an automation program to make my work easier for me. It got people fired and raised the bar of standards
  22. Looking forward to buy High Priest Cursed Ring High Priest Cape Asgards +0/+10 Orange Noble Hat +0/+10 Black Noble Hat +0/+10 Gold Noble Hat Sacred Mint Wing Reply on this thread, Send me a message on here or in-game ƒins (always on) ƒinna Fluorescent ƒ = Alt+0131
  23. Hey Bro 1K for Mint Sacreds
  24. Desperately looking for a Priest Cursed and 4x Asgards, also buying cheap +0/+10 Black,Orange,Gold Noble

  25. Sorry Thana is Sold lemme cross that out
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