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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Desamor

  1. 1- Only a few people use valkyrie randrgris on their weapon, and you can use GTB before you attack someone to check if he is using it or not, then swap to reduction shield again. 2- RMS and Server 3- Even if is a luxury, still a good benefits, in some classes and if a SG get it, why not. ---- Is better a Valkyrie weapon, because if you make an item to be able to cast union, why not make the weapon itselt. Also with a weapon you can add more things like damage increase and HP bonus...But both option are GM option availability tho'.
  2. 1- They can still fight, you just need to find another way as your example, what if a HL priest get dispelled? He will have to change it tactic in order to fight, so get dispelled is not such problem to add an item in order to keep fighting... 2- I recommend you to check that out :p! 3- Make you unaffected by dispell and buff you up every time, yea, like is nothing, and once again, I used some example of class that if they can get link every time and just will end making the SL class more useless at is.
  3. Just bindkey a GTB, in case you see a Sage or might get dispelled, you will get tons of damage, but same as other class does to prevent get dispelled, if you doesn't have link avaible, then retreat. The sprurt bonus can be given easily on a weapon (just add +10 STR and +100% kick damage), also the tumbling skill is an active, it dodge either ranged/melee/magic as soon you use it, this mean with or without weapon you can still benefit of it. I said will suggest it and gave some example, but stalker link is another class that would like to play with 24/7 link, also valkyrie randgris trigger if you get melee attack, so can get dispelled too. --- Also I agreed if going to give them, at least be a consumable; Or make a weapon so can use Inca without sacrificing the bonus you get from being unarmed.
  4. If SG get the skill enabled in an item, other classes would suggest it to have it, yea can be dispelled but same as WS get dispelled and lose all the damage he get, or when your element get dispelled as well, you can re-buff but can as-well get dispelled again, and so on, so the answer is use GTB to avoid that, could be risky but if you want to keep your buff, something need to be done. A better option could be make a Valkyrie weapon (or legendary) for them rather than give them another skill.
  5. Exactly, because you can still spam FSK boosted since you're always under the effect of sprint...Basically the delay doesn't do anything except on legit player. And about the link item, remember that union = inca effect and that is too OP for the classes to have it, is better if it keep like it is, you want link? make a self-buffer, remember also other classes that relay on link, could suggest that they want to get link on their weapon like SinX kitty claw to get the delay...Wizard on their higness so they can reflect with crystal fragments...
  6. What about elementals converters :x? Also, status recovery consumable are pretty useless in this server, since most people have >99 vit; and that gave you immunity to that.
  7. I was reading calm untill a wild sentence appeared...And I stayed like...Why you gotta be so deep...
  8. Why would you keep all your token in a char instead of inventory? Because when you reach item limit, you can't take more items; So it won't be a problem (you can't deal neither)
  9. 45 for TG/FBH (if you have them). [need 2]
  10. If mostly of your people can make it to the tuesday GvG; I bet can also to the Thursday (or monday) BR since that event is at the same time as GvG. And GvG was moved due the "lack of competition"; Something that BR doesn't have.
  11. Desamor


    Next time try to read the skills and you'll see what you can get and what not.
  12. I thought sprite edit wasn't allowed, even for grx only purpose oO!
  13. Here comes the wind~~~~ .gg

  14. Yes please. :3!!! Nuff' said.
  15. deedpul pls, ur s0gest1on s0x d1e pls. r3ad d1s g4v3 m3 c4ncer. -1-1+3=m1 v0t3.
  16. He doesn't in-game huehuehuehue. /run {prefix: health_points if [number: 50%] then trigger function [button: F1]}.
  17. run {-30minutes [@warp room <x> <y>] then /execute click <x> <y> if [val:1] then @say 'what ever anti-bot code is'} <-- o.o! don't know what I typed but it look cool >D!.
  18. Egactly, lagendary wipons doeznt haz spryte, yf chu wamt too zhoot wyth a vysyble wipon them get valkirie. c>
  19. Limitless Dragon's Fury Yukumaru Trong Mello Fawk actives one! They suck, oh wait...Except Trong :3!
  20. Desamor

    Saturday Woe

    They have +12 time, so, what is friday to us is saturday to them. :P!
  21. Desamor


    Tao Gunka card. Ghostring card. ----- Leave offer here or PM on game.
  22. Well, same with priest doing HL or SinX doing SB :P! and this topic is going off topic w3w, since this is about bolts >D! (Even tho' still a GM should reply to this d_p)
  23. This is a PK server d_D! And a map can't be simple disable because 'x' or 'y' want it and other doesn't let it, so either one find another place to stay or fight untill the end of times :3!
  24. Get wizard soullink and You can use all skill that requires gems without use them, but You need to have at least 1 in your inventory.
  25. I don't know if is on all, I've red and that is what it say.
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