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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Devour

  1. Ok enough. It wouldn't be change. It would be fair to the previous castle owner/s as well. Btw next time dont't reply on a suggestion if you'll just say +1, it's not useful. Say your thoughts and opinion
  2. Devour

    Cant Log In

    The problem is on your internet connection.
  3. Devour

    Cant Log In

    what does it says when you log in?
  4. Send an email at [email protected] containing your username transaction no./MTCN items that you want and the amount that you have donated. You'll recieve a reply from it and after that you can get your items in game.
  5. Again Genesis made already a decision about it. My advice is defend your castle properly and get a better economy on it for you to have a lot of boxes. Goodluck and enjoy
  6. and it was suggested already HERE
  7. can you give us a screenshot of your fro patcher when you're opening it? Did you install All In One?
  8. ctrl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 choose any one of them. solved
  9. Ctrl + 2 or 3
  10. Solved
  11. solved
  12. yes use window mode and put it to smaller resolution. tell me if it works. If it works it will work for a long time for sure.
  13. Try to update your video card and put the setting of your screen resolution to a smaller one.
  14. can you show us your computer specifications?
  15. I guess feather got a bug in @whodrops. Ive tried @whodrops 949 and it says the same Anyway feather was dropped by picky, fabre, caterpillar, strouf & tarou. I forgot the other monsters.
  16. You can check the strategy guides for this one. Our dear players made alot of guides for different sinx build http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24769 << This is the link on where you can find all the different job guides
  17. what are the items that you're looking for?
  18. Start voting to get vote forsaken king set and do the legendary zodiac aurora quest or legendary weapon quest. then do the legendary gauntlets quest. On that case you can obtain a full gear character. Do alot of quest and sell them. You can hunt mvp cards for you to use them also.
  19. Devour


    now that's the problem. download the all in one installer to avoid problems like that.
  20. Devour


    can you get a ss of your fro folder
  21. Devour


    delete the patch.txt at your fro folder then repatch. make sure that you're fkenro.exe is close when you're patching it.
  22. Devour


    update you fro client. Open the fro patcher.
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