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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by bataclanmarriel

  1. dat was a great suggestion sir ^^ +1
  2. bataclanmarriel


    hi guys hmm i just remember... a month a go i saw someone wearing scary/horifying Hoodie headgear, like Grim reaper but only the red eyes i saw... hmm Violet Hoodie Headgear + Red Eyes faceless... anyone know wat it is? ^^ or where can i get it? ^^
  3. dat hat looks like from a a witch ^_^ hmmm maybe dat must be a Holloween exp. Hat design ^_^ if they implement it ^^
  4. hmm Haloo, well welcome and enjoy ur stay sir ^_^ Feel Free to ask drop by sometime @go 4 ^_^
  5. ???????????????????
  6. pa invite aq ulet ^^
  7. yea right HW and Proff. is not USELESS w/o their magics... they still can kill and annoy anyone in a diff. ways/skill rather.. "depend on user ^_^" and if GTB makes the effect on that way?? ...imma disagree too....
  8. ilove this topic guys thanks ^_^
  9. wala na q permanent guild na woe active ah tsk...bored

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bataclanmarriel
    3. gagosila123


      Sali ka na lang po Sinsemilla! Hahaha! Kasi tulungan ako ulit ng tropa ko dun XD

    4. skyslasher27
  10. d2 muna q sa forum ang lag sa game :(

  11. haloo ^^ Welcome and Enjoy... ^_^ see you in game^_^
  12. ZzzZZz Tired GoowwdNaaayyt ^_^

  13. haloo wlcome back ^^ spardaxD
  14. i want to help but im not pretty sure bout whiz cards ^^ hmm well wait the pro's to response for this question or read this ^^ http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25713
  15. agree ^^
  16. yea i thought it was you wahaha .. haloooo wlcome back sir ^^ drop by sometime @go 4 enjoy ^^
  17. haloo welcome and enjoy to our frndly[Fro] community^^ if want some basic help just drop by @go 4....^_^ oh dont forget to read the reminders and announcements http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26182 read carefuly ^^ thankyou
  18. me too agree.... this thana room is good enough than before... But i hope my suggestion be granted or if there's other gud idea " a lil bit similar" to my idea... please suggest it... nid more opinion ^_^
  19. yea and be aware ^_^
  20. both of you guys are great ^^ well me too im not gud in english still practicing LoL and about the scam and hack cases ? yea most of players ignoring reminders, hmm well i stil trying and helping others suggesting them to join forum for more guides, a very usefull guides and reminders rather...
  21. yea coz some of them... ignoring it xD soo i dont care if imma look like crazy noob silly bout reposting this... ^^ hihihih
  22. haloo welcome and enjoy , take a look at this ^^ http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26958
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