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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by bataclanmarriel

  1. find Soo Woo ^_^ join vengeance guild or athos for Ava. guild ^_^ hope it helps enjoy & GoodLuck ^_^
  2. Halooo there ^_^.. .welcome and enjoy your stay here @ Fro server ^_^ feel free to ask.. ^_^ drop by sometimes @go 4 see ya there ^_^ or pm me my ign's: Ms.Cupida/Mirajane~Strauss/MayangTaray hoooooooray! xD
  3. +1 old morroc map ^_^
  4. failed to communicate with server?

  5. wow tuna! xD
  6. bataclanmarriel


    post some old fro S.shot ^_^
  7. haloooo welcome and enjoy :) @go 4 ^^
  8. post this to help desk ^^
  9. post more old videos and old pics from Fro ^_^ wtf is that a baby champ??
  10. yea all of them, i saw at Rms

  12. racoon tail??? ^^ thanks.... im Buying also ^^
  13. uhm sorry GM i didnt get it hehe again pls for this [For the headgears, link the the respective sprites so we can see how they look like and how readily available they are.] uhm sprites? how can get the sprite of those headgears and etc. u mean pictures?
  14. hey about this weapon i agree too... give legendary weapon for all of those jobs oh anyway. about headgears imma very fan of those headgears for design to my chars... like pretty/cute headgears for girls or weired headgears....i love them sooooo hope that GM REad abou this ^^
  15. ahahaha much better james... +1 xD
  16. LoL.. uhm no hard feelings go comment, Bad or good to hear that's fine ^_^ i need more opinions/suggestions or ideas.... ^_^
  17. these are the Headgears i saw at Ratemyserver: not all of them are nice...there are some weired looks... i wish New Hats expansion & Legendary quest next update/patch .... Black Musang Hat Bijofnil Wings Bandit Hat Autumn Leaves [ZODIAC SIGNS Diadem & Crowns] "/GG" Bone Head Brazil Beret Brazil Twin Ribbon Bride's Corolla Bright Fury Bullock Helm.... ^_^
  18. anyone can lend me some unique/rare Headgears quest ? ^_^ Like This one: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=35 Thankyou so much! Muaaaah! :* ^_^ Not this one: http://ratemyserver.net/quest_db.php?type=10000 Hidden Quest ^_^
  19. Good Morning, Good Night, Good Day, and Godbless everyone Enjoy ^_^

  20. put some colours now ^-^ anyway i really want new things here right now ^^ excited to next udate/patch hope atleast 1 of those suggestions be granted...... PoOoFf! ^_^
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