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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hrist

  1. I don't remember the last time I was in this game, maybe some ten years ago. All my characters have been ransacked back to third world levels. If I were to build a Lord Knight or a Champion, what would be the full whale endgame gear? Give me the best in slot from donation gear, cards, accessories, weapons etc.
  2. Hrist


    "Oh great, Now Jerry blocked me" /sigh how lovely I think he blocked me Alexandria said (1:52 AM): thanks -officially hates her life- Sorry baby, but a man got needs you know. /thread This thread is now about Jerry blocking Moonie and she going an hero about it. PS: I walked out first. Never EVER let a girl tell everyone they are making a man dance on her palm like a little puppy dog. In case you haven't noticed, its all over and I'm not coming back anymore.
  3. Go out and flirt with a random girl and who knows? You might be hearin' '... Billy Jean is not my lover' next. Juuuust kidding.
  4. Hrist


    over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000
  5. Hrist


    Happy now? I post n00dz with tits yo.
  6. Go clarify things up with her at least. This is one of the worst ways to break up. All excuses and everything's a blur. And heh, 'rescue' huh? If you like to put things that way, then sure. /ok
  7. Raging triple blow (bow type) or some magic spam skill fo' fun.
  8. You just hit the cookie right there.
  9. You'll eventually get over it. If she's seeing someone else, then she isn't for you. You deserve better than that.
  10. Hrist


    Da fuk is this?!! A threesome? ......can Jerry watch?
  11. Relationships are taboo. There's no such thing as one woman when you're young. No need to feel all rejected when you don't even intend on marrying that woman or starting a family with her. But I can't blame ya since everyone else experiences something like this in their lives. How old are you?
  12. Hrist

    happy birthday!

    Bro, happy birthday. - Jerry.
  13. Hrist


    Nuthin', my arms are sore from all dat fapp... I mean exercise. Y'know, gotta work on those biceps. /heh


    Ily Ser.

  15. Hrist


  16. Sry men, old habits.
  17. Hrist


    Not really back, just being forced to do so (hi Pat). And saying hi of course.
  18. Hrist

    Fo realz

    Gave all my stuff away to Justin, and oh, Pat should have the SGW by now. No, I will not be logging back on msn ever. Not coming back either. I just wanted to get away as far away from here and live life in the real world. I'd like to add a few honest special mention to the following people: Josh - sry, no itenz 4 u. U rich enuf men. Pat - I hope you tear them enemies of yours a new butthole. Justin - my brother from another mother. Rape them fegs for me. If its you, I know you can do it. Ami - U so srs hot. Rly. Ming - thanks for making my final request come true even for just a few days. Maureen - bye cousin. Stay sxc. Leni and Nick - I love you guys and I'll totally miss you for real. Jay - marry princess tony already. Erin - I'll miss the late night talks with a cutie like you. Jae - I'll never forget your good deeds man. Justin (Pulopot) - U sxc too men. Mike - I'll miss your man tits. ;D Nick (iHunt) - Adam lambert lost, but you're still srs hot like Ami. Cirrus/Ken - goodbye old friend. I wasn't really useful at anything, sorry. Steven - thanks for everything. Its a short-lived friendship, but I'll remember you. I'm sorry if I cannot stay long enough. Mezri - I'll still keep in touch ;D Serenity - I love you and I'll miss you. Wiwi - bye friend. Andy - I'll miss you bud. Moonie/Lena - last minute addition, but what the hell. Can't forget to add you or you'll get extremely pissed. ;P Special mention to *Kevin* - you have a god syndrome kthx. What are you gonna do about it. and to the people I forgot, its either my memory fails or I hate you. Thank you to ForsakenRO and all of its staff for making my stay a good and long one.
  19. Hrist


    You guys catch on pretty quick. ;P
  20. Hrist


    Lol, we have someone with the same name.
  21. Pictures not showing.
  22. Hrist


  23. Hrist


    Fluffy/Sacred Golden wings as well.
  24. Hrist

    PD sin

    All PD-based characters will fail vs me so don't bother. j/k
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