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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hrist

  1. Asura Strike Stalker! No, I'm serious. Right Jae? ;P Its the perfect runner-class build. You run around and collect zen and fury on ifrit rings (while having asura strike copied), then boom! Asura Strike the stripped nigga. If they can't be stripped, do what stalkers do best: Run, and run until fcp dies out. Stalker may not have the best damage and HP modifier, but they win on one thing. Survivability.
  2. Hrist

    WS bugged item

    Its quite a smart idea really. But sadly, I don't know what item it was.
  3. Hrist


    If you played Ippo on PS2, you'll see that the bear rapes all.
  4. You're supposed to mail it, not post here. Read the instructions please.
  5. Hrist

    Herro Prease.

    Jerry = Jelly Jelly = Jerry Rife jus got confusing.
  6. Hrist

    Draw With Me

    We know.
  7. Hrist


  8. 1337
  9. wtf is a patootie.

  10. Hrist


    right mouse button then circle it around.
  11. I wonder who winz.
  12. I correct spelling in here yeah? ^But that doesn't make it grammatically correct or w/e you call it. (idc)
  13. Hrist

    Herro Prease.

    ROR, Moltar Kombat!!11
  14. Hrist

    Draw With Me

    Its a dead arm. Even if Eva Longoria threw her arm at me, I'd freak out.
  15. I am fine with whatever. As long as they don't flame, then its k.
  16. Hrist

    Draw With Me

    I don't get the video. I mean, I get the glass thingy and all, but why the f0k does she have to throw her arm? Why is there a glass wall anyway? And it did broke, but it came back? Maybe its just a world that only exists in our fantasies, but I don't get how giving a dead arm would be sweet... Bittersweet perhaps.
  17. Hrist


    ... dual client kill is actually very practical. For me its just a game, so skills doesn't matter as long as they die.
  18. Actually, its not just internet dating. For example, I could be away from my parents and of course I'd miss them. But yeah, I guess he meant e-dating so idc really. I respect whatever they like.
  19. Hrist


    Ignore Amitsu, I'm sure he doesn't mean it. But yeah, bring your friends. Its so much better here. ;P
  20. Hrist

    New Belts?

    Oh great, luck belts. Yipee.
  21. Actually, you really don't need all of those. Most Sinx nowadays just coma anyway haha. But yeah, Jae's suggestion is correct. Vit/Vit combos are awesome. Drops them reflect wh0re pallies without fail.
  22. Hrist


    I just use 2 weapons. Fuck 700 hit. If they backslide, I don't chase. Its a waste of time.
  23. Hrist


  24. Don't we all?
  25. Hrist


    lol ya.
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