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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hrist

  1. Hrist


    Combat Knife SGW/Fluffy Dual Immunes Donation shield + Usako = 110k Asura. Add tarot and it gets even less. I remade my clown earlier and began fighting full asura champs with 300 dex on.
  2. I am.
  3. Hrist

    Event Time!

    the deadline is Sunday 10 AM EST.
  4. Hrist

    Event Time!

    you're supposed to e-mail.
  5. Hrist

    Event Time!

  6. Hrist

    Event Time!

  7. Hrist

    Event Time!

    Yes its that time of everyone's lucky lives when a senior member finally quits and gives everything he owns in one brain twisting event. And yes, I already saved my SGW to my dearest friend Patrick so he can tank Asura with 2 Raydrics (and not let my item go to waste). So without further ado, lets get this show on the road! First off, I'd like to ask you guys a few fun questions. Don't post your answers here. If you post your answers here, you'll be disqualified. Email your answers to [email protected] (also my MSN, if you wanna add me)and I'll begin reading it right away. EDIT: SEND ONLY 1 ENTRY. Multiple entries would get you disqualified. Part one: Post your best Pick up line. But I'm not looking for just any pickup line. Make sure that pickup line is intended for me. Make it as funny as possible, but don't go overboard. The prize is 450 coupons. Part two: Simple questionnaire. Score the highest number of points and win a Purple Emperium Aurora. 1. Jerry doesn't really talk about women as much as other guys. Contrary to popular belief that he's probably homosexual (LOL), he really does have a taste for women. But the question is what? a. Blonde, sharp and cold blue eyes, and with a lean figure. b. Skinny, pale, and almost like a porcelain-skinned doll. c. Cute face, glasses, dyed straight hair with bangs and a girly figure. d. No, he's gay. Fuck this. 2. Jerry is best described as: a. Warm, funny, and thoughtful b. Smart, sarcastic, and always serious c. Egotistical and has a God-syndrome. d. No, I knew him as ______________________ 3. Jerry's type of music genre is: a. Hardcore/metal b. Smooth Jazz/Bossa c. Contemporary d. Fuck that, he likes boy bands and anime shit. 4. Jerry loves movies. What movie do you think he'll love the most? a. 300 (this is SPARTAA!!! *boots*) b. Van Helsing c. Titanic d. Tentacle Pr0n 5. Video games. What kind of Video Games would Jerry play? a. Zombie Shooters b. Fighting games c. MMORPG d. Lol, he likes hentai games. FAPFAPFAP 6. Jerry recently went into this website as suggested by xxxx a. Deviant Art b. Youtube c. Twitter d. 4-chan 7. If you're gonna give him something as a gift, what would it be? I would give him a ____________ because __________________ 8. If you saw Jerry in real life, what would you do? a. Secks him b. wave and treat him to lunch c. hug him d. Fucking Jerry! *Kicks his nuts* 9. How many hours does he stay online? a. 3 hours b. 5 hours c. 10 hours d. Fuck that. He doesn't log off! 10. Pick the best drink that you think Jerry loves the most: a. Iced Coffee b. Coke Float c. Lemon Iced Tea d. Caramel Latte 11. Lets say there was a stampede and you had to choose whether to save your own life or jump in the middle of a panicked crowd to save a crying child, what will you do? a. Save yourself. b. Jump in and take the kid. c. Jerry is sexy. d. I like seeing kids get run over. 12. If you were to hire a singer/band to sing a song for your special someone, who would you pick? I would pick ______________ because __________________ 13. Lets say you're stranded in an island with the girl/boy/alien of your dreams, what will you do to make that person/thing/whatever fall for you? a. Rape the living innocence out of the person (LUL) b. Tell him/her straight out. c. Play flirting games d. No, fuck you. 14. If you're given the chance to take a bath with the person you liked (LOL), what would you look/touch first? I would pick ______________ because __________________ 15. Lets say you're trapped in a city full of Zombies, what will you do to survive? a. Oh thats easy. I'll jump from a building and keel myself. b. There's gotta be a way. I'll cut my hair to avoid getting grabbed and find something to use like knives and guns. c. Pretend to be a Zombie (LOL) d. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEE!!111 FREEE SECKS! 16. BONUS QUESTION: PICK THE ANSWER THAT YOU THINK IS CORRECT. a. The person who made this thread is sexy. b. The person who made this thread is sexy. c. The person who made this thread is sexy. d. The person who made this thread is sexy. Lastly, I'd like to say sorry that I'll be quitting for real this time. As much as I wanted to get a Thanatos card and get obscenely rich in this server, I believe I don't have time to do that anymore. I wanted to stay longer really, but I can't due to some circumstances. Don't ask me for items. You guys are already rich enough. I'll be giving my items to the newbies in-game. I won't announce when so you can't cheat it out. Thanks for the memories everyone.
  8. I did say Lightning Converters (wind). The resistance is just an extra since its a commonly used strategy.
  9. easiest mass produced elemental converter is lightning. BoS and Lightning Converters are often used alternately. Use a water resist potion and they use a lightning converter to deal a lot of pain.
  10. Man, there goes my hopes of ever getting a thana.

  11. lolfuck 8k? Man, I'm never getting a thana then ;;

  12. Hrist


    lol cloak, speed pots, warp, then surprise AV. Everyone happy. ;P (harmless pun intended) EDIT: Bought SGWs already Pat?
  13. Hrist


  14. The fact that you knifed the guy to death makes you pro already ;P @Leni The Last Remnant game any good? I plan to buy that along with Silent Hill 3 and 4. EDIT: Fuck, Shao Kahn was epic and I had the whole arcade applauding behind me after I beat him back in the day lol.
  15. Give me back my minute. PS: Are you a gardener? Why? Because you made my little tree grow. /wink
  16. 'grandia-fied' is what got the whole world playing it. But meh, no tits to oggle at.

  17. Hrist


    Based on my experience (since I started playing that class around the same time as Pat), I could say it was possible to survive full asura before the Thanatos change. That was before Thanatos gave 28% more to champ damage. Now the question is: What should they do? Spam Tarot first or AV? It was possible to stop full asura on a 300 dex clown (with two raydrics and tarot effect) before the Thanatos change, but I'm not so sure now. Maybe I have to remake my clown and find out. Variables: Full Asura = 1 hit kill with the probability of 80-95%, but makes the champ extremely vulnerable to AV dance.
  18. Millenia's seemingly hot artwork is only foiled by grandia's very outdated graphics.

  19. We all tried to not get get player-killed. We all tried to get better. We all tried to get stronger. Why should others be any different?
  20. Hrist

    Happy birthday.

  21. Happy birthday to you.
  22. "It" from Resident Evil 4. I think I had a harder time fighting this bastard than Saddler himself.
  23. Salt and vinegar flavored chips or something spicy. If all else fails, ask someone to kick your nuts.
  24. /b/ ... Oh wait.
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