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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by qperteplex

  1. Forgive me but this is just a another lame excuse to make things "easier" for newbies. I've fought thana users countless times and I was able to beat them. Some of them would resort to switch out to a non-thana weapon as you said but I was still able to overcome it. Some of them were even buffed. If you were in tur_dun04 or abbey02 where PK was once enabled, you would have an idea of what I'm talking about. As I am seeing, you are just under geared or worst, less skilled. Get yourself geared, man up, learn and adapt. Only thing that makes sense in your post, is that economy is damaged. Namely to the high supply of thana cards where its prices have drastically dropped. BTW, I was in your situation before when I was starting off wherein I had no idea a card like skoll existed here as it is a custom card and I relied alot on RMS. I easily get taken down by thana users. But to what I have stated above. I managed to learn from it. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26258&hl=%2Bnoobie+%2Bdays The first pic will show you what Im talking about. -1
  2. So you want a newbie to have a 1 hit asura on a full geared player? Whats the point of having gears then? Are you even certain its the gears that your target has that causes you to have a weak asura to them? Ever thought about getting geared yourself or learn how to deal decent damage rather than complain? -1
  3. Can you be more specific on which monster it is or do you LITERALLY mean any? Treasure02 as I recall happens to have a load of hydras in clusters there. So if you get in range of them they will tend to lock you in that spot. Not unless you have really high dodge.
  4. Yes. Moving closer to the server will definitely reduce it. :th_heh:
  5. When you have bad hops it means your PC communicates longer compared to others. To me the issue is indeed with your connection to the server. Strange though, as we have similar latency as I get around 210 to 250ms and I am also from PH. I experienced this as well on another RO private server namely LimitRO. I delay like every single day not even a single good day. Reason why I quitted the server just after 2 weeks of playing. My friends were able to play it normally though.
  7. (*O*(O---(^_^Q)

    1. Zombee


      exactly what happens to you in pvp.

    2. qperteplex


      Yeah, good thing Im not on the receiving end though

    3. ChainBreak


      True you run all the time! Huehue

  8. No, point talking to this kid. I got stuff more to say about how you responded but most likely you wont listen. LOL BTW this is a suggestion thread. Opinions of players play a role here as well hence the "+1 or -1". If you just wanted the input of GMs and to not get your suggestion get criticized you should've PM'd it to a GM.
  9. Kid, yeah I know what I studied and I also know the rules of what I am playing. As the previous post already implied that there are unspoken rules and one of which is 3rd party programs are illegal. And you didnt even respond to my previous question. You think just anybody would tweak around with their computer? Whether it be hardware or software would they risk it? Ive heard of cases about remote clients installed on players PC then get hacked in the process. You think a NON-IT person would know such? Off topic: Ray also said it as well. Yes, Im not an all around IT guy. IT basically falls into 3 specific fields: software, hardware, networking. Not all of them has an idea nor an interest in coding. You're just stereotyping IT grads thinking that "Hey this guy graduated IT he can code stuff." IT has different professions not all of them are interested in coding. Get your facts straight.
  10. Dont tell me about PC spes as I have already gone through that. 2gb of RAM cant handle 3-4 clients as well as my common apps that are open like multiple browser tabs. Its not a matter of adjusting software side but you would need actual hardware components as well. Take note as I have said, I MAY not be the only one with this hindrance. I graduated IT so I have abit of an idea on tweaking my PC but what about the other players who studied a NON-COMPUTER based course. You think they would have on idea on what they are dealing with? And if you have noticed in this forum, people tend to post multiple times rather than actually search in the forum usually regarding guides. So if you asks someone on fRO to look through the forums or google them up, do you think they would? No, as they would go to someone ingame and ask for straight answers or post another reptitive post asking for something when it has been stated more than once. With what I have said its a matter of discipline for the player if you want order to be achieved ingame and to what your post is implying, in the market place.
  11. AFAIK vending in towns was removed as it is indeed making towns or what guilds tend to make them their guild bases messy In reality, players tend to place all the items they are selling in 1 vend pub. Its too much of a hassle to create multiple accounts and segregate them in each area you are asking. I mean, if I vended a quest item, a couple of cards and some gears, should I create 3 accounts to vend all of those in 3 separate locations? Also it can be 4 accounts as I have my main that I need to be on. My PC aint that great to handle multiple processes at once. Maybe even other players are also in the same scenario as I am. Yes, the vending place is messy but its not the fault of the area but the players rather. As they just tend to vend anywhere they want to. They would just vend in any spot and once they put up their vend they usually block the vends of other players. Now add more of those inconsiderate vendors then you make the vending area really messy.
  12. It must be the MVP GEC or General Egnigem Cenia. Im just not sure how much HP it has as Im too lazy to look it up in RMS. Its a legit MVP if it is indeed GEC
  13. Payon @go 3 F. Kafra coor = 164 233 Healer coor = 178 106 Suggested Healer coor = 167 233 Umbala @go 12 F. Kafra coor = 89 159 Healer coor = 129 132 Suggested Healer coor = 86 159 Louyang @go 14 F. Kafra coor = 223 40 Healer coor = 225 103 Suggested Healer coor = 223 43 Jawaii @go 17 F. Kafra coor = 247 130 Healer coor = warped around and as I was told there was none.* *IDK why there is none. If there is such a specific reason, no need to add then but if it can be added... Suggested Healer coor = 252 128 Einbech @go 21 F. Kafra coor = 67 100 Healer coor = 142 244 Suggested Healer coor = 74 100 This suggestion is about making other town maps as a viable base by having both kafras easily accessible. Just a suggestion open to feed back or change request. Ciao!
  14. Let me help with that. I already posted a comment under a similar post w/c not only includes payon map but other maps as well. To make them into a viable base for guilds. Although my intended position for the kafra in payon is not similar as yours
  15. Ifrit would be a much easier target for champs to kill than detale as you have already said it has reflect. Ive hunt EOF before I have the 100+ odin armor piece to prove it. Placing it on an MVP that spawns longer would make it much scarce hence making EOF much expensive. Its not that difficult to look for an MVP especially with a champ. Dont forget the MVP hunters nowadays hunt in a PT so hunting an MVP down is not that hard for them.
  16. I believe so. Im thinking since there are 2 memory books, [0] and [1], it may be reading is the [1], just not 100% sure on that. If I were you, I would set my autoloot to 10 just to be sure
  17. Im pretty sure its drop rate is 1% not 10% or 0.1% and only Agav drops it AFAIK
  18. Woot! Hoping somebody would suggest this +1 As stated, mon - fri are common work or school days. The woe was designed to accommodate players living in Asia and picking a woe wherein the time frame crosses with what is earlier stated just negates the intended purpose. c:
  19. Due to work sched xD No need to adjust WOE time unless it is necessary to do so. I can let a day of WOE slide.
  20. If we would follow how the official server works then we might as well make our gears 1 slot rather then 2 and let all the classes die easily from high impact moves (i.e. asura, sonic blow) and implement the transition class while were at it. Note sarcasm.
  21. A WOE wherein most asians can attend. Im not one of them. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. qperteplex


      Damn Noi, ofc I wont attend woe. If I wanted to then I wouldve suggested to change its time...but I didnt coz others should be given the chance to participate and its time shouldnt revolve around me

    3. heha


      stop breaking with "my" thana

    4. qperteplex


      your thana is broken fag. i couldnt break for 4 straight woes

  22. Sadly, Im not one of those intended for asian woe. LOL
  23. Its a matter of supply and demand thats why the skull aura is cheap is what Forum~ is implying. I agree on keeping the aura as it is. We now have the myth aura for the 4 basic elements(fire, earth, water, wind) and we have the skull aura for the others. Buffing skull aura more would make it OP for the elements that it resists now. Giving it new attributes like giving it the elemental resistance the myth aura has would render the myth aura useless as SA would be far better as it provides more than myth aura. Its not a good idea anymore to donate for SA. Donate in something else. Odins for example.
  24. Ok, just thought about opening this up again. I tried what was suggested. Play fRO on full screen then warcraft or run an app on admin = fRO doesnt freeze but I despise playing in full screen Tried opening the app first then fRO but in window = does not work still freezes my screen So running fRO on full screen lets me switch to each window but sucks as I prefer it in window. Any ideas or suggestions?
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