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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by -Si-

  1. Haha I feel ya...I also got back unto Ro about a month ago.
  2. Gm's are already on the case of this error. Have patience :)
  3. Welcome back! Haha couldnt stay away huh..hope you continue to enjoy the game and all its winderful updates ^^
  4. -Si-

    Mvp Summoning!

    Another info. Get a Forsaken Knight Cloak if not get a mistriss because it reduces the use of a skills that require gemstones but! Hocus Pocus uses 2 yellow gemstone and only one effect can cancel out one gemstone so the knight cloak and or mistriss helps take out one gemstone. So you are only required to use 1 yellow gemstone. Both cloak and mistriss will not work together.
  5. Everyones good, just who has the most ygg claims to be the best. lol but in all seriousness..I see radius and xanthanel dominating a lot. 2 chains too I think he is a sniper.
  6. Check and see if you could download the mini installer for forsaken. The mini installer shouldnt be too long and should provide you with a patcher. Or double check your forsaken folder in your C:\Programs files\Forsaken or where you downloaded forsaken to and see if the patcher is in there.
  7. On the left side panel there is a link "Voting Center" click on that and it leads you to the control panel. Log in with your game login username and password. Then go to "My Account" click on your characters name then there are options you can choose to reset position and reset look.
  8. Hey! Welcome to Forsaken ^^ feel free to join my secondary guild im soon going to make. It'll be a guild to help out new players and once you start to get really geared up you could if you want to join our main guild :) I also have a link posted under the Guild Recruit. Hope to see you in game ^^ Pm if you have any questions. In game name is TwinkleBerry Loveliness
  9. Would be too Op, even +25 stats is too good with slot. Well to me it seems op.
  10. What do you mean you are unable to do it? Does it give you errors or dosnt respond back?
  11. On the left side of the panel you see "Voting Center" click on that it leads you to the control panel. Then after you log in with your in game log in go to "my account" and click on your characters name which you wanna resrt. Once you clicked the name, there are options to reset. Hope that helps :)
  12. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=134
  13. Dont worry, I think Veracity has told Genesis about the bug. Or unless its a different bug.
  14. Did you double check the exact item. Check also the guide on the forums.
  15. -Si-

    Endless Tower

    Endless tower is just a tower of monsters. Like the further you go the more harder they are. Until you die it dosnt end. Idk about the prize or what not...I died at lvl 2 cause I was weak lol
  16. The rings stats and friggs stats gm has posted it up on forums just no one is allowed to post a guide for the quest thats all. And the legendary weapon, if you want a certain class weapon that class must do the quest. So if you want a sinxs legendary weapon your sinxs must be the one doing the quest. but for the ring idk.
  17. For the rings I dont think its hard..I havnt done it yet, I just read on forums that through the storyline they will give hints where to make the rings.. The quest isnt hard just time consuming and a lot of hunting.
  18. Not as active Sorry A guild for those who feel unwanted, lonly, or just want to be with us ^^. Feel free to join! Our goal is to help out players who are new or need help gearing up or wanna have some fun on fRO. This guild is also a training guild for those who wont have to feel they need to be strong to stay. Feel to leave when you feel confident in your skills to join a stronger guild :) But there are a few conditions to joining: 1) Be Respective of everyone. No matter how disrespectful they are to you. (We don't tolerate such childish behavior.) 2) Geared or not, your welcome to join because once you join you we will help you farm and teach you some ways to make money and get gears. Everyone works hard, no begging for items, if your willing to work hard for yourself and we see it, we'll more then likely help you farm items for your gears :) 3) No scamming or any other type of breaking forsaken rules. 4) Don't random unless they start the fight or gang you. Feel free to defend yourself. If you want to fight ask for a dual. More Info: No WoE Yet [For Experience so there is no Salary] We have our ways of helping each other gear up. Learn to work hard like us and you'll definetly get our support to get your gears. We are Friendly, Fun, like gaming buds. We train once in a while and throw MvP/Guild Events here and there. Watch out for scams. Never give out your Username/Password. There is a possible to set up a voice/chat room for this guild or whoever wants to join us! :D Guild-master are located at base [undecided atm] Guild Leaders: -Si- Pm us in game or me on forums if you want in. ^^ See you in game! Will update with more info! :)
  19. It does sound good but ppl could npc the back sell for zeny and repeat. Though its small, its easy free zeny. Unless you have to pay a certain amount to get your inventory filled by the npc.
  20. Dont do last man standing due to friends are always gonna team rape. I'd prefer 1vs 1 half damage no ygg room. Potions allowed or heal as well. winner wins 1-5 million zeny for every fight if the tournment is long but if its short maybe 1 token. Maybe an everday tournment every 3-4 hours or something.
  21. Why not do some PvP or help people lvl up. Join endless towers, or go on some demon raids. Geared or not have fun ^^ what I usually do it have my screen windowed, open up netflix farm and watch a movie :) but I do understand what you mean. Slowly we can all help out the community grow more and more. Players also can do some mini games of there own :)
  22. Cheap HW... Get your basic Knight set from doing the knight quest. Farm for for quest to get your int ganutlets. Do the legendary weapon quest. Remember these quest only a few hours. Depnds has fast you farm it should be quick to make your legendary weapon. Vote to get +20 all stats gear. (example, Fallen Ghost) You can make quest items and sell for tokens then buy mvp cards from people. Kaosed has pretty much explain the stats.
  23. Welcome! Hope to see you in game :)
  24. Try and go to the Forsaken folder, look for the setup and see if you are able to change the settings. Then run the "Fkenro.exe." and if there was an update just use the patcher to update but open ragnarok with the Fkenro.exe
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