Tell me, from your experience to now of what you see going on forsaken.
Dont flame in here just speak feedbacks.
What I see:
Forsaken seems to only be focusing on certain skills leaving out other potential skills. (Unless I just dont see) Meaning: Forsaken isnt verstile (I think thats how you spell it lol) cause ive been in many many servers, forsaken is pretty equal but it only seems to have classes rely on certain skills where as other servers give much potential for everyclass to be able to use other skills then to rely on what forskaen provides. (Just my opinion so any feedback helps but please dont be negative about it) and one more thing...Ygg Dependent! Backthen I dont recall being dependent on them and more dependent on pots potions and heal skill. (Just what I see not what needs to be changed)
Some example: Creators: Homucleuos are supppper weak. Potipn Pitcher is useless, not once have I seen it used in forsaken.
Gunslingers: All you see is Desperdph and Rapid Shower. So many sk ills can be used but why not? Tracking is slow. (Forgive me if im wrong, I dont ever see gunslingers use any other skills or just other skills dont have back up % damage as oyher skills do.
Dependant on gears and not what server needs to improve.
Meaning: People all they suggest is more and more gears >.< what I feel forsaken needs more is server improvement and I give GM thimps up! For helping it improve ^^ Gm you guys/girls are doing a great job keep it up.
Remember this what you see not just on game but in forsaken as a big picture.
Dont flame!
Dont hate!
Reason to doing this in my opinion is it helps bring out ideas that could help improve the server. Let GM see how we view ragnarok as a player and a cpmmunity to see how Gm can come with ways to make it balance yet allow all classes to be able to use their full potential.
Well sorry for any typos, typing on my phone. Be open minded ^^