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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ReikoSisters

  1. this is an old topic, inamoto is still in the game AFAIK, date and mellow have quit though.
  2. Marriage. (you cant get divorced without marriage)(it should have been marriage or courtship, but oh well) Guitar or Bass?
  3. well I've asked people in the game they said it was laggy as hell too. one from france 2 from singapore. :mellow:
  4. ReikoSisters

    Bioshock Sig

    I know lol ^_^ :lol:
  5. I hope they fix the lag too. I couldn't play today because of the massive lagging. I couldn't move straight for 2 seconds.
  6. ReikoSisters

    Bioshock Sig

    V3 is the best . The V2 is the worst one :lol:
  7. is it usuall to experience extremely slow patching then before? it's not my connection. this is just patch26.grf.
  8. ReikoSisters


    I had a burger for lunch, and mac and cheese for dinner. im gonna have chips for a snack lol.
  9. You ruined the story goddamn it... don't post here please. :mellow: @topic antlers blocking the
  10. La is also common in singapore la Haha you wish la! :lol:
  11. what does la mean la? and disguise room is a ripoff la! you don't know what your gonna get la! they should have the random but free la... fun la. :lol:
  12. to free himself
  13. south africa, the
  14. cities on flame with rock & roll - Blue oyster cult
  15. to the game la!
  16. midget over there...
  17. story sucked ass
  18. up the tree
  19. was another itsy
  20. In peices - linkin park
  21. an itsy bitsy
  22. Genesis FTW!
  23. Come back La :mellow:
  24. bump. + ill reply later later later.
  25. the depths of
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