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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ReikoSisters

  1. ReikoSisters


    Welcome to fRO the best of the best.
  2. Are the hairstyles for girls ugly too?
  3. 9/10 The smexy guy! :lol:
  4. Cool! Hope you guys/gals have a happy marriage ^_^ Congratulations
  5. the people in
  6. Sexy Hamburger or Hotdog?
  7. Mobile phone! Mars or Venus?
  8. 5 donation items WoW or Starcraft 2?
  9. OT how come people in Youtube can put 1 hour long videos?
  10. Happy birthday Sapphi.
  11. Lol you got me saying "la" hahaha
  12. pets. Warcraft or Starcraft?
  13. sand Kill the Seek and Destroy Member or Kill the PsychoSamuraiz Member :lol:
  14. ReikoSisters

    HI all

    Yehey First post. Hello welcome to Forsaken RO, The best of the best! PM me ingame "Cassy" ill help yah, im up at usually 1-5 game time (use @time to check) so yeah, have fun!
  15. She became a guest because she posted as a guest. fix your english please.
  16. Allot of fRO players are from Miami florida huh.
  17. Donation Coupons Kill the Wizzard or kill the ninja?
  18. Hahaha! the drama is hilarious.
  19. OMG! Skullbone keeps harassing me, Inamoto if you see him can you kill him for me? thanks ^_^
  20. Welcome to Forsaken RO. The Best of the best!
  21. Buh-Bye! Even though we don't know each other, im sure we could have become friends.
  22. That's natural if coming from damascus. :lol:
  23. Granted but They were too small. I wish my connection got way better.
  24. moss covered cookies
  25. I ate something...
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