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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. SinXcape + 1.5k toks pm me if you want: pLok.PH
  2. your friggs + 430 for my SinXCrit?
  3. Thanks guys :)
  4. your sinx cape + 1.6k toks to my sinx blessed?
  5. your sinx cape + 1.5k toks to my sinx blessed?
  6. your cape + 1.5k toks to my sinx blessed?
  7. Wanna trade your sinx cape + 1.6k toks to my sinx blessed?
  8. plok123

    Trade W/ Plok!

  9. plok123

    Trade W/ Plok!

  10. plok123

    The Story Game

    Went to sleep xD then the sun came out...
  11. Full gaming laptops are on full on HD as well as i7 processors and crazy ass RAM and Memory. Which costs a lot and you won't probably need it unless you're an actual gamer and get payed for playing games, or just filthy ass rich.. Haha! XD well, a normal Laptop is alright for everyday use, just get the one with high enough RAM, around 4gb and Hard Drive memory around 500gb. The higher the better so you could run and save games without slowing your laptop down and could use it for every day and is cheaper than a gaming laptop.. XD but it's all up to you really, do your research and compare products online.. I would suggest Asus laptops for normal ones, and of course, Alienware for gaming xD
  12. And will SinX Blessed be ok?
  13. I hope so too bud xD question, Will loki's cursed blade be a good weapon for this type of build? Thanks for your guide. Thank you for your guide :)
  14. What would be the best Equips, cards and stat build for a Dex type breaker?
  15. Not Cool.
  16. TeeHee xD
  17. plok123

    Funny Jokes

    A blonde girl was talking about her suicide attempt with a brunette. Blonde: I tried killing myself last night. Brunette: Huh?! why?! How?! Blonde: Well, I tried hanging myself with a rope tied around my neck, but then, I couldn't breathe. XD
  18. plok123

    Funny Jokes

    If a blonde and a brunette would jump off a cliff, who would reach the ground first? The brunette, why? Because the blonde's gonna ask for directions xD
  19. 2911
  20. Yes, the mobs in the summoning room drop their cards at a 1% chance rate :)
  21. just a suggestion really :)
  22. plok123


    Coz I read it somewhere in the forums that to get ROP just donate for anything worth $30 and in the email when confirming your order, just say that you want the ROP. I'm just not sure if you can still do it now.
  23. This is true.
  24. -1 Take it to the PVP room if you don't like warpers. And not everyone wants to get killed randomly. And when you're dueling someone in for_fild for example, and they warped, you clearly won.
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