Ok, if you elaborate more on ypur suggestion people would get it a lot easier.. :)
well I saw battlegrounds in dreamer ro, it's awesome xD like capture the flag and stuff.. But for their server it suits them, even new players could survive.. Because the number of custom items aint the same with ours, there are no donate weapons like ours. Zenny is the main currency.. XD so it's more balanced really.. So I dont think it would work in this server, newbies would get pwned if they're not geared..
this would still be a game for geared people, just likw how PvP is.. XD
Battlegrounds would be awesome in this server if like inside the bg, everyone will be equal, like everyone would have same stats bla bla, and weapons would be standard, like in tera online, battle grounds there makes all players equal, but the level and the skills stay the same, eq are the same for everyone.. Dunno if you get it xD but skills dont have the same damage as our server xD so yeah, this would be awesome, but I dont think it would suit the server.. XD