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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. ok wait, what is better when you have thana? XD
  2. plok123


    Well, it opens after 2hrs or so, or a couple minutes less.. You need fragments to get it, only one person is allowed ibside to prevent ksing.. And then when you're inside, summon thana as normal.. :) then after you kill thana, you need to keep your char logged in for 2 hours straight :)
  3. Wait wut? 2tg 2paper? XD for ds? XD
  4. I really want the server to grow xD like yo, 1k people daily xD the closest I saw was like 900+ xD that got me pumped! xD

  5. Hi Louis, let's be friends in game xD Hi Louis, let's be friends XD just copying Monaco xD welcome and enjoy your stay xD and stay forever, and invite your friends, you family, your family's family xD
  6. plok123

    This Or That?

    Dog xD Twilight Saga or Harry Potter? (Choose Harry Potter, or else xD)
  7. Ok im kinda confused xD Thana wont be good for fas build right? DS would be a lot better, right? Soo, blessed or cursed? Im guessing blessed and go ds instead of fas if i use thana right? I just need someone to clear this out for me xD thanks :P Oh, and what cards on my weapon? When Im doing raids and PvP xD
  8. oh yeah, like win or lose, you still get rewards :) that would be cool :D
  9. I wanna woe xD haha why is it just every other day xD lol

  10. i dunno man xD GL just went poof :P
  11. sorry, go 7 is taken xD haha join Jenova Project! xD GM is Pinay :3
  12. welcooome! :D you can be friends with me :D
  13. i dont have screen shots of my early days :( but yeah, i started with my sinx, which is still my main now xD and yeah, i farmed with my sinx and all that, did all the quest with my sinx, farmed for tokens with my sinx LOL it's noobish though xD i just started to make a wiz when i decided to farm seeds coz i earned a couple of tokens xD this is like i think my first month in the server xD started in march 2013 :) and then when i got myself legendary gears, voted for my king set, got the cards and all that, i started to woe, i joined apil juice and earned tokens there, and then donated for a couple coz i got money and starting to have less playing time :( made a lot of friends :D most of em stopped playing now, some of em are still here, made new friends xD and yeah, this is me now with Vengeance xD
  14. Artifacts are the ultimate accessories in the server XD like you know the belts? same effect but with slots :P they go around 2k a pair :P if you would donate for gears and sell them in game, i would look for a buyer first and make a deal then donate :) but if you're donating to gear yourself up like how i do, then spend away bruh xD
  15. yoooo, this is interesting.. hope you stay and be a good boy :D welcome!! :)
  16. No harm in a bit of competition ;) I want this so bad xD haha and if this would be approved, like rankings for the people who broke it the fastest should be included xD +1 again to this suggestion xD and another +1 to chainbreak's suggestion on showing the hp of the emp in this practice room :D
  17. Ok, if you elaborate more on ypur suggestion people would get it a lot easier.. :) well I saw battlegrounds in dreamer ro, it's awesome xD like capture the flag and stuff.. But for their server it suits them, even new players could survive.. Because the number of custom items aint the same with ours, there are no donate weapons like ours. Zenny is the main currency.. XD so it's more balanced really.. So I dont think it would work in this server, newbies would get pwned if they're not geared.. this would still be a game for geared people, just likw how PvP is.. XD Battlegrounds would be awesome in this server if like inside the bg, everyone will be equal, like everyone would have same stats bla bla, and weapons would be standard, like in tera online, battle grounds there makes all players equal, but the level and the skills stay the same, eq are the same for everyone.. Dunno if you get it xD but skills dont have the same damage as our server xD so yeah, this would be awesome, but I dont think it would suit the server.. XD
  18. Haha xD im not xD
  19. Sure bruh, why not xD but better ask the boss if it's you yo, coz you're special xD
  20. James' signature is lame, make a better one than his.. Hahaha xD <3 you james xD There's this signature generator for ro, Google ragnarok signature or something.. Rms does it too.. Then you choose the stuff and all that, then they make the link/code whatever for you, then all you have to do is paste it on the signature section via image when editing your profile..
  21. I'll raid for you for 0 tokens and 0 seeds xD better stack em up ma xD If any priest out there wants to join but has a thirst for tokens, I'll pay for you if you want, coz this raid needs a priest xD but still guys, have a heart xD lol (Desperation xD)
  22. embleeeeeeem :3 yeah, just pm any of my characters, pLok.PH or pLok xD if you cant reach any of them, then im not online xD If you can, but i don't respond, i might be afk :) but i'll get back to you i swear :D If I don't, keep trying xD im not that snobbish kind of person, i might just be busy or asleep :P
  23. if you see me in game, just tell me to invite you :D
  24. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25003 come come :3
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