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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ChainBreak

  1. Fdagger = forsaken dagger Fsoldier = forsaken soldier card Look in the strategy guides section in the job guides topic for exact stats.
  2. Is your cart on maximum capacity?
  3. The German players. :P
  4. They are about the same. It's just preference if you like treasurebox or stone of sage better.
  5. Beerfest. No better movie.
  6. Now I cant do any woe at all since I work from 8:00-17:00 OTL doesnt really have anything to do with the topic, but meh. Sosad
  7. Dude seriously? Seriously DUDE Seriously?! Crit sniper sucks. You can't match your normal attack with melee classes and without a good build based on skill usage you will die 24/7.
  8. Max str? U WOT M8?! For those last points in str you can get additional 20 luk points. 1 dex since crits always hit and skills like meteor assault and sbk on crit build are useless. 14x Vit is enough 28x Str is enough Get 105 crit rate If points are left put in either str or luk
  9. Putting 2 more paper cards instead of the 2 tg in the offhand weapon is a lot cheaper and since both give 20% it wouldn't make a difference for the dmg. Also the magnum breaks can be bad since they push the enemy away which is not good for a steady dmg output.
  10. Use wizard and stormgust the mobs. Gathering them can take some time since there's no map filled with the mobs dropping nipper. But if quests were easier the price of items would drop and economy would be even worse for nd players.
  11. sonothappening.gif
  12. Use Heaven's Drive
  13. Why didn't you just look here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24769 Crit build: (PVP)http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24524 (WoE)http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=23325 Dagger build: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24440
  14. Skel = Skeleton Worker Skoll = Skoll MVP card
  15. Summer Paradise - Simple Plan
  16. I think the server doesn't have a spriter atm, that's why only existing headgears can be implemented.
  17. Additional tips for the guys who don't get SB strategy. Put the katars ONLY when you go and attack. Always wear usako shield + strip/coma/whatevs dagger/sword on default. Also wear scarf + drooping valk to dispell the target while remaining immune to freeze. In PvP room you can't rely on going full buff SB > backslide endlessly to gtfo. Use your head and mess with their timing. Default attack with dagger + shield while switching to Edge and back to shield to force gtb use (also you can check if they are on OLs). When you notice your dmg going up immediatly switch to SB spam. optional: I've seen a player doing cloak just before the SB spam. That can be helpful to get the short break for concentrating on the spam timing and also disrupt the opponent in his/her pot spam. IMPORTANT: SWITCH TO SHIELD + DAGGER WHILE THE SB ANIMATION IS STILL RUNNING!!! That means immediate switch from katars to dagger + shield when your spam has reached the maximum. AFTER doing that, backslide and cloak. There are players who will hit you before you have the chance to get away with your backslide so put your shield on first, then backslide. After the first SB spam you have 2 options: 1) Switch back to dagger + shield/Edge 2) Switch to katar for Grimtooth spam. Remember that you can go straight from Cloaking to Hiding without uncloaking. Also you can switch gear while cloaking/hiding so switch to shield when your opponent is approaching. As already mentioned you should use /bingbing or /bangbang to avoid getting stuck in corners when using backslide. For lower headgears I would recommend getting vote scarf, Fluffy wings and Avian wings. Scarf is for dispell use, Fluffy wings for asuras and Avians for additional coma chance when everything else fails.
  18. Just make it so that they can only either use cicada OR flip tatami. Because most classes have melee and ranged attacks player can at least dmg the ninjas a bit when they choose to make themselves untouchable to either one of them. Sinx could switch from sb to sd, champ can switch from asura to tss, melee bio can switch from mammo to tomahawk, etc etc. Only hunters would have to switch to dagger and try to strip the ninja. That way ninjas can actually be hit by almost every class. They cant spam their attack skills without ever getting hit for 30 minutes anymore.
  19. Nope still a qt AHEHUEHUE
  20. Most champs dont use 2 fbh so they can use other demi-human cards.
  21. You can consider -Si-'s calculation a myth. The calculation is done like shown in the guide I posted.
  22. Use edp, use enchant poison, use aloevera, cloak, leftclick on player, spam seeds, hope your target dies before you do.
  23. TG applies to the special modifier so you can use it even with 2 FBH on. The specific modifier is influenced by cards/equips that only boost the dmg of one skill (like L.Blade, Imp card, etc)
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