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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. file ticket so GM could respond to your concerns right away...
  2. definitely theres no difference on drop rate between snipers and champs on mvp room. your sniper just got lucky! XD anyway the drop rate of the boss from bloody branch are same with the bosses that spawns outside, i believe...
  3. idk with the WS card coz i havent used it yet... dispell from VR cast only if youre using normal atk, so it doesnt stack with rapid shower nor desperado... however just like magnum break from TG card, if people continue to hit you with physical atk, VR cast dispell on them automatically with a small percentage... also works on D.war,metalling, and thana maero cards...
  4. you invested way too much for a farmer! that wiz can go woe.. huehuehue! well you can start selling some things up especially that 3 kiels... anyway i also used to farm and im currently still. here is my current status for my wiz..: stats int - 255 "you dont need huge amount of matk" dex - in total of 150 all agi - depends on you if you wann reach 195 aspd "me, i just put 99 so i have alil flee against mobs and also a lil bit aspd" vit - 99 "just enough to tank mob damage but not to ingage on a fight with other farmers" str - the rest pour it all here "you need tons of weight" luk - 1 on equips i have only f.knight set on it. XD but you can keep your wiz with vote f.kingset on, depends on you. piamette ears with silver kiel or vote valk helm with 2 silver kiels vote scarf - silver kiel any aura - silver kiel armor - 2 agav card "you dont need hp, your sp is enough to tank those mobs using energy coat" rod - 4 silver kiels "yes you dont need L.wiz coz you have tons of str already" shield - usakoring/gtb(for seed room) cloack - 2raydrics boots - 2silver fbh accessory - 2 expert rings "those are slotted so you can put cards with item drop effects" farming wiz are not design to commence battle, just warp away if you cant kill the one who is ambushing you. dont need tons of matk, 7500-8k will be good. dont need tons of hp, just around 70k hp with 9k sp will be enough. and lastly 55-60% spam rate will do fine. thats all... but if you want to keep a battle ready farmer feel free to do so... XD
  5. fassion has a price dude. huehuehue!
  6. valis has a lvl 7 enlarge weight limit, which is clearly inferior with the snipers/clowns/gypsys/wizards etc... and to make things worst L.gun has no enlarge weight limit at all. perhaps lvl 5 enlarge weight on L.gun should be implimented. +1
  7. happy holloween! finally im 1yr here in fro :3 great update! sure its a nice holloween treat,,,!
  8. say hi to me ingame and ill say hello to you too... well, see ya around. XD
  9. i felt sorry for you... but its ok. im sure you can do it better nextime. kiel is formless monster, mvp class, and shadow element. you can kill kiel using AV with L.holy arrows. 4 silver kiels+2 expert rings+195 aspd can spam it a lil bit, 4abyssmal cards on L.weap is proven helpful, so use it. and oh, dont worry you can still grow tons of zennies from treasure box and stone of sage. so cheer up now. ^_^ good luck!
  10. try to relog... might solve your problem coz it worked for me.
  11. i do believe that taekwon.starglad already have their own version of capes and rings... i have checked it. anyway... +1 on valk/L.weapon for taekwon/starglad,because they don't have those. it will be fair for them if something like this would be implemented.
  12. every word that i spoke here on forum is based on RO facts and my own observation ingame. i never make it all out of my opinion unlike your stupid, non-constructive, non-realistic and untrue statements just to support my own or to counter other people's view... yes perhaps you are my señor player here in fro, but you did not played the gunslinger morethan i do. now i wont take your words as reliable facts coz from now on i realize that you bluff only alot of false details and pretend to be pro. your stupid joke wont cover you foolish excuse... most foolish people pretend that they know everything even though they knew nothing... its a plain stupidity which cannot be helped.
  13. rayray... when will you learn to accept your mistakes and stop blaming your failure to other people? pride is the only poison good to swallow... it is not lethal. and besides, as you post it i know that it wasnt a bate for the ninja coz we never knew if that ninja gonna pop up or not... so dont make us believe your false reasoning...
  14. naaahhhh.... actually. i dont get your point.. "if ever you have one".. im just tired talking with you... because at the 1st place... your point is simply out of my topic. :p
  15. lol.... GS cannot use cannot wear blue ifrit ring and also ninja... and also star glad and linker cannot wear it too...BY THE WAY WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT USING IFRIT RING ON GS...? IS HE RETARDED... OR JUST SIMPLY STUPID OR WHAT...? PERHAPS IT REALLY PROVES 100% HE DOESNT KNOW ABOUT GS AT ALL AND TALK CRAP HERE ALL ALONG...
  16. youre right ray... im not rellying on 2 buttons alone to kill... coz im relying on my left click to set target for rapid shower/move my GS from one place to another... right click to rotate the screen... use 1st skill bar for my skills and buff items.. 2nd skill bar for my buff skills, bullets and converter... 3rd skill bar for elemental resist.. i press f12 most of the time coz im used to it rather than using /bm. i also use alt+m menu for fast storage and and warp coor. and leave my inventory open for fast gear switch by simply double clicking it... however... according to your GS gameplay... I FOUND LIES ON YOU!!!... you never fought a real pro champ and bio with your GS "doesnt mean they have ring, they already pro".... bb lk can live without shield on them to be frankly "means they can default on GTB"... you are only fighting a NOOB clown that doesnt know how to use jupitel/tarrot/AV... you only faced a stupid prof who only knows how to bolt... BLUE IFRIT RINGS ON GS IN FIGHTING SINX??? REALLY??? "i thought your pro".. and youre only fighting a low caliber sniper...PERIOD @Shadi: LET US CLOSE THIS TOPIC... BECAUSE IM TOO F***ING TIRED OF ALL OF THIS S*** AND FORGET THIS WHOLE D*** THING... AND MOVE ON...
  17. guys like me still using GS for pvp and woe coz this is our PASSION... people who never played GS or never played it seriously will never understand... thats why i understand you for not understanding us... and by the way i dont find problem on pvping any sinx type so i hope that you have no problem with guys like me too...
  18. balancing... yeah!!! youre right... now GS can never pawned a champ... have a hard time killing a bio. impossible to kill LK/pally... have a huge disadvantage over clown/gyspy... cant kill prof without getting him caught in maya.... dual weld sinx or SB sinx can tank our desperado even its 30-40k damage per hit... look even more funnier in the face of a sniper... VERY BALANCE REALLY!!! i really do agree in everything that you said...thats why people told me that im only whining for my suggestions... they telling me that im just complaining in sharing my thoughts... despite of all this, i never quit GS and didnt switch for better classes to play. coz im a newbie guy who loves to play his nab gunslinger and love to KOS noob people who act like pro in for_fild and on WoE!!!
  19. how fool am i not to know this all along.... thank you so much ray... now i learned that guns are used to kill enemy in a very close... super close distance... like knife does... sorry, im so newbie in everything...
  20. sorry man... iam super noob... i dont play SB sinx coz im not a fan of it and i only use my wiz as farmer. so im deeply apologizing for beeing a nab gunslinger. i hope you will be considerate... you are way too pro really.... oh yeah i almost forgot... you are the most pro person ever exist here in fro.. so yeah im so nothing compare too you coz i only wanna play my nab gunslinger... so sorry for that.
  21. +1.. this will benefit all..
  22. how about increase the mvp room drop rate to 5%...
  23. +1 so that people will be encourage on using their colored sacred angel wings... my suggestion effect is: 10% reduct from demi humans 5% HP -5% vit def +7% walking speed
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