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Everything posted by vinsaint

  1. aw.. i wasted 300 million for the MVP room and when i enter for about 3 minutes .. theres no MVP there... and i search the four cells in different directions and waited at the center.. and no MVP. and i don't have patience to wait for it to summon. XD ~yeah frankly.. i don't have any idea how the MVP room works. and wasted 3 hours and 300million for nothin >.< . i got poor understanding level XD ~hocus focus was once being used by my friends not just for MVP hunting but watching a friend being randomly affected by unexpected random skill like Hide, play dead, Steel Body etc.. ^.^
  2. ive tried this out.. because @ali command only lets you take 1 specific item only :) been doing this for a year now ^.^
  3. damn! my high wizard is stack at poring_c02.. error occured. GM please help me :(

    1. Dream


      Use the control panel to reset your character's position manually. www.forsaken-ro.net/cp

  4. oooh ! :D your name is sooo cool.. btw. welcome to Forsaken-RO.. :D enjoy.
  5. my boss is in Apil :) I'm happy for her :)

  6. Have A Blessed Holy Week Everyone

  7. hi Bboy.. enjoy your stay here in Fro.. ~btw.. i got some relatives there in Davao.. in Digos :)
  8. Yoh. im Natsume Aya's servant, IGN Phet :) Hope i'm welcome here :)
  9. they should put the thanatos card back to Regular monster drop :) if they wont believe such BUG exist .. they shouldnt put this card into Reward item drop. 1.40% is very high in my own experience in Ragnarok Ph. all boss cards and normal card drop rates are 0.01% still we get that rare cards :) 1.40% is not hard to get :).. my OWN OPINION for NOOB PLAYERS who don't play LOW RATEs and RAGNAROK OFFICIALS :)
  10. we are alive XD LOL
  11. I'm back :) hahahah.. Better harden your DEFENCE ;X

  12. a Special Event Token in-game drop from santa poring by 0.1% that can be exchange for exclusive 2012 Christmas Items. Besides we are all survivors from the DOOMSDAY :D hehe we need something to remember this Scary Year LOL
  13. Advance Merry X-mas :D

  14. hmmm :) I'm waiting for simple event relating to christmas :)
  15. If someone says she loves you... what should you say back? :(

    1. Adonis


      there is my bed.

    2. Haruka


      Well doesn't it depend on what you feel for her? :)

  16. @ali 7444 or @ali treasure chest
  17. or the VOTE KING sets to save some tokens :)
  18. you can spam if you got the KIEL card :) or buy some expert ring to reducs AFTER CAST delay :)
  19. Going to sleep for the evening mask =.= Good night :)

  20. you need to do the ELITE arrow quest first.. like hunting the 500 icarus cards.. 500 cecil damon.. etc and after that you can access on arrow crafting :)
  21. and a chance to gain the EMPERIUM aura :3 Just guessing XD
  22. yes.. :).. the only way to kill the GTB user.. is STAVE crasher WAHAHAHAh
  23. MWAHAHHAHA... meet MY FRIGG's King SHIELD of Deaf .. *evil laugh !! mwaahahahah
  24. Staring at the clouds up in the sky :3

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