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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. Wait. Zack Fair has an actual meaning? LOL.
  2. » Pat


    TIAGO: BBYYYYYY Tony : Got you know you in anthell BACCCCKKKKKKKKKK then as I Sacrifice You. Dean : /hi HI DEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Derek : DEREKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.<3 Ami : OMG I MET U BACK DEN IN ANTHELL AND WE BE FREN SINS DEN^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~HIIII AMII^^^^~~~ Mike : Also met you in anthell when you still were with ami. LOL. Smeay : idk how we met. HI SMEAY.<3 Leni : uh. From forums I guess. ;_; ILYBBY.<3 Nick: MSN AFAICR. HINICK. Huy: HI HUY. <333 Erin : Wow my memory sucks. IDK. Limitless afaik. <33 Thai : o men. We ruel'd. Ming : kos. Julie: Got to know you through tony afaik. ilu.<3 Dani : Met you in trans I guess. ilybby.<3 Mau : You just appeared out of nowhere and I rly liked you. LOL. Elli: Met you in pvp. ilu. (: Serenity: Omgbby. Our fights were PRO. LOL. Jae : I love talking to you and got to know you through that. <3 idk I suck at listing things. I just copied other lists and filled them with something different LOLOLOL.
  3. o. yey. ^^~~~~~

  4. » Pat


    WOW TONY. WOW. IHU. I knew you before anyone else & now you just forget that. ;( ih8unow. FK YOU I SACRIFICE YOU. FK YOU.
  5. » Pat


    Note to self: Must not randomly kill people anymore. Sorry.<3
  6. oopsnvm
  7. You can buy apples from an NPC.
  8. BRAEKING CLAOKS!!!!!1!11!1oneone!111eleven !1111!MQ==!1!!vbKey11!1!1!elev&ONE;en!111!
  9. » Pat

    Quest Wings

  10. Lolyoucan'tbeserious. & the font is the official 'logo' of La Roux. So the R just looks that way. ;;
  11. & remove the bug/feature that everytime you just say something it shows 'commands have been disabled on this map' twice.
  12. Second one. It has an overall nice flow of colours and gives you exactly the message it is supposed to give. It looks as if the warrior was walking right out of the flames, which are well done. I like it. Lord of the Rings font sux tho. <3
  13. That's all that counts. <3

  14. IKR I LOVE IT. YOU'RE HOT.<3333

  16. Haven't had any time, recently. I was trying if I could still pull 'something' off. idk tho. c&c..... ;;...
  17. I'm sorry, I guess... ;_____;

  18. Isn't it scary being stalked by a crapload of people? ;_;

  19. Don't make me paint a bitch.

  20. idk I felt I wanted to sing for you. ~<3333333

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