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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. WIKIPEDIA IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Apart from that; is what counts.
  2. oh& the 'guitar' has a bg. I had to render all that shit......qq
  3. Happy Birthday Justin! (:
  4. some awsm chicken u got der.
  5. This is my 'main' stock I guess.
  6. hi.
  7. 'You message inbox is 102% full.' wat.
  8. Amgod adorable. <3
  9. Wow, where'd you dig up this topic? Lol. C4D = Cinema4D. Google it. <3
  10. sry4hard2spellnaem^^~
  11. » Pat


  12. HUSLBS, CWBN. Y/N???? LOL. SRSLOL. & ya why not use ur sxc booty as render? <3
  13. That looks like a warlock. o_o;
  15. OH GOD IM A RLY GUD FREN OF U OMG IM UR #1 FAN OMG OMG OMG. Already told you it's amazing. <3
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_parasitic_diseases Grey's Anatomy! ~<3
  17. 3:30am Snores. ...UUUUUHHHH CAN'T READ MY CAN'T READ MY NO HE CAN'T READ IN MY POKERFACE~ Picks up the cellphone. 'wat.' 'HIIII THIS IS LISA.' 'wat.' 'IM SO HUNGRY WANNA GET UP AND MEET ME AT MC DONALDS?' '...food. k brb.' qq.
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