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Adonis last won the day on March 10 2013

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About Adonis

  • Birthday 10/26/1992

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    cocainee & - Noob -
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Knight (3/10)



  1. GM's not interested in posting in here ? saying the economy of the server would be bad with increasing the droprates is a bad joke .. the economy is damaged to its max already ..handing out drops ? impossible i didnt spent 10 k + tokens on salary to get one drop and give it to one of my member .. saying dont give token as salary is a bad JOKE too since 99 % of the players in the server are used to get tokens as salary .. so after 3 month defending PRT with good eco i got 1 sky blue eidelic ... never would give it to my members not even to my MOST LOYAl ones .. maybe a gold imp or emp i would hand out but nothing else .. leaders know what im talking about .. to me this low castle droprates + the salary trend is a good money machine .. nothing else .. i brought up this thread again cause i did what u people told me .. put more effort into defense and def the castle .. i did that and what i got in 3 months is 1 eidelic wing .. BAD JOKEEEE i still would like to read what a gm saying about this .. thanks
  2. +1
  3. hahahahahaha .. LOL WTF !!! ._. rage quit cya all :/
  4. wth mama D: !!! my hairs not like dat .. post urs gogogogo !! EHAuAEHAEhAEuEA
  5. no, i prefere short hair ;) i guess jb the opposite right :P and usually im saying that others look like JB .. but hey what about u post some pics of urself so we all can make a lil fun of ya .. or .. r u shy or maybe just not good looking heuheuehu :))))
  6. 2976
  7. agi bless by healer npc + aloe vera + str stat food and u should deal fine dmg even with legendary .. u should demonstrate for legendary angel of ghost masks or helm of darkness if u cant donate and wanna play pro WS ;)
  8. paladin cape 2300 slotted ip 600 Blue Angel of Ghost mask 700 WS Cape 2300 Clown Cape 2300 Skull Aura 2200
  9. +1
  10. what about expanding the (for me alt+y) options ?? there are options u can permanently acti and deactivate .. i use bm always relog or just logged in .. i just asked in my guild and how should i say it .. 40of40 online people use BM LOL and BM ist a must have for everyone to enjoy nice gameplay .. the more fast they get used to it the better they become as pvper ..
  11. B> Thana 3000 S> Thana 4500 pm me ingame cocainee

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