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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Devil

  1. I suggest to cancel the 2 seconds delay. It is now too hard to hunt those MVP in LHZ and Valkyrie Rangris. when you respawn they will automatically attack you. And the worst is, when you warp and lagged, you will surely find your character dead. =D @geldaz Kill other players? Like how? If they are using them to kill you, then use it too to protect your self.
  2. Your not Emo, you're naughty sexy lady.
  3. Devil

    Anthell fun!

    I could say Damascus is Class "S" why? Look at his picture. He is so "S". PS: "S" for SEXY
  4. Devil

    TOP 20

    Lol! How about me? Im sure im in 21 position! ahaha
  5. granted, but his wish will never happen. i wish world peace /gg
  6. granted, but you realized that its good though and you regret it and kill your self. lol. i wish for a gift this new year (not that ventrilo i want more valuable)
  7. Cool, but! . . . . . . . something is missing.
  8. WOOHOO!, It's really cool. I wonder what Dama dama's voice is. =DD
  9. they must even tell us what's going on.
  10. Umm, Ok.
  11. Same what happened to my damage. I did 29k before that lag spike. But after that i only do 14.9k lol? What is really happening here?
  12. str agi dex luk vit ?
  13. Devil

    Break my code!

    Lol, the movie of Nicolas Cage? PS:I surrender to this event =D my head hurts alot
  14. Devil

    Break my code!

    This is really hard. I guess it will take us more than 4 days.
  15. Devil

    Break my code!

    Another CLUES pls? Lol I cant find the damn KEY.
  16. Devil

    Break my code!

    *nosebleed* Lol, this is head breaking EVENT O.o
  17. Devil

    Break my code!

    Is it french/italian words? What I mean is, the answer is in spanish?
  18. Devil


    OMG what an impersonator. Dont pretend to be Bringer.
  19. Lol Happy Fucking Joyful Birthday. =D And Merry Christmas too.
  20. 1k carat cards for sinx ??? or my 2k carat cards for FBH ill add 10 coupons /gg
  21. Yeah men! Yow! yow! Rock'n'roll. =D
  22. Devil

    This or that

    Bit torrent FTW. Linux or Windows 2k+.
  23. Devil

    Lack Of Events.

    Lol dude. Let me ask you if you become a European GM what will you do then?
  24. All your problems can be easily solved. Just go make a champ with 4x Abyssmal Card on weapon Morpheus set and you're on to kill boss. PS: The GM increase the HP of some bosses to make the game more Interesting.
  25. Devil

    Lack Of Events.

    We cant blame the GM's they have something much important things to do dude. Christmas is few days away lol. Try to understand them why they are so busy with their families.
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