Lol... I guess yes! "Peace"..
Indeed. It makes the server more interesting, Hard Leveling/Slow improvement/Small percentage of loots/Normal Stats Which is 99 = More trill in gaming!
But please don't divide it by zero. It'll ruin the plan.
1 Butterfly Wings (Green) - 85 Coupons
1 Day Aurora [1] - 25 Coupons (Event)
1 Night Aurora [1] - 25 Coupons (Event)
PM me here in forums or post some of you demands for those items listed above.
Or you can PM me in Game:
Note: Last letter of my name DeviI is not "L" its "i"-aye
Thanks Dama Dama ^^... Unluckily my friends Shanks and Gilghay are not here anymore. And some of my stuffs are missing haha, i dont know why. Anyways I missed you ghuys so much especially those hang outs in PVP xD
Voted no.
Simple, it will kick the asses of those newbies who doesnt know how to use BuffBots. Which will surely cause them to quit.
In otherwords if newbies quit the server would never grow...
PS:This is just my own opinion.
Same what was happening to me right now >.<
I already turned off my AVG and get Norton on, and sad to say they detected the same file(s).
What should i do????
By the way Sensation the patch29.rar has Trojan Backdoor.ragnarok >.<