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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Devil

  1. Wait wait wait. So skull that's your girlfriend? And where the hell are you? Umm, Got it! You are the horse! rofl. . . Or it might be, your girlfriend was the horse? Correct me if I said wrong things. Just joking.
  2. Devil

    Hi guys :D

    Hello. Welcome to the best server ever. And advance happy birthday. BTW you name sounds familiar to me.
  3. Devil

    This or that

    Fuck(ing) You? rofl Dumbass or Dumbhead
  4. Devil

    WOE 01/27/2008

    OK guys this is enough. WOE is already finished. If this thread continues this will only cause FLAMES which I am sure will Ignite every time SaD and Anti-SaD replies. PS: Requesting for thread CLOSURE.
  5. Devil

    This or that

    Armor, imagine fighting with a two hand sword without any clothes on. Eww, embarrassing. Showing Tralala to an enemy while dueling?WTF @topic Chocolate with a shit on it or Chocolate with a sperm on it? (I know this one is EWWWW)
  6. @Naochan's last post You suck if you got killed by an ant.(Non sense) @Rei Eating shit is like eating a chocolate.
  7. Looks good. I like the eye it shows no fear.
  8. Devil

    Good Soup

    I am in the guild and I am proud to be one of a member of this group. But one question about that, the one in different size, if you hid we members can see you in the map =O, it'll be easy. No thrill at all.
  9. Nice guide. It'll be better if you guys add a guide in all the jobs. I know it will take time, but please try to make one. This will really help those person who don't know much in raising a better build.
  10. Devil

    This or that

    Ofcourse DEVIL!! Forsaken sex or Forbidden sex?
  11. Voted Good Soup
  12. Devil

    This or that

    pat's pants FTW Huge cock or cocky attitude? ROFL
  13. Yeah, and thats because of Remy ^^
  14. Cool, 7/10. As what Ethereal said it needs border lines and etc. But still pretty good ^^ keep up the good work.
  15. Devil

    This or that

    Neither. 200 punch in the forehead or 1 stab of samurai at the back?
  16. Devil

    Sean's Event!

    I think yes. He has 1 full donation equips i guess or i could say more than that.
  17. 9/10. . . Keep up the good work Ethernal ^^
  18. Devil

    Sean's Event!

    ROFL. I cant imagine a CAKE, having your name on it.
  19. Devil


    Indeed. Chill out dude, everything will be ok. I will support you on that big problem of yours. Maybe Ami is just having a break and some rest on what have happened to both of you. Give her time and also yours, hang out and then if you know that it is time to talk to her, then do it, say sorry and what so ever to make her forgive you. ^^ I know Ami will probably forgive you since you both were good friends right? Oh, or even more than good friends.
  20. Umm 1. Nao Chann 2. Wizardry 3. Damascus 4. ? 5. ?
  21. Yes, it is over ^^
  22. Gzzzzz, Cool I will apply too ahaha
  23. Devil


  24. Only good Player fights well, Noob player fights gay.
  25. Niggah hahaha blahblahblah
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