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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Monaco96

  1. Huh..? Sorry man ..im not aggree with ur suggestion...just think how hard to get the sacred wing depends with fluffy wing...thnx
  2. WoW...
  3. naruto o.o
  4. hello...welcome to the server :)
  5. awesome!!! Thank You!!! SO Much!!!
  6. Wow im typo LOL..it should be *I can't live without you..
  7. ^__^
  8. LOL..wth..im not gay ahahha
  9. 2nd Entry..
  10. 1st Entry
  11. Harry Gayer where r u...!!!

  12. here guide for quest..>> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=3
  13. Hello..welcome to the server Kara..
  14. really hard to break emp now..bcuz of alot of thana users.(same build/damage)..so if u Lucky..u get the last hit..then... castle is yours..and my Idol is Nas..David..Shane..oh and Carlooooooo...hehehe
  15. handsome..haha...enjoy ur stay...^^
  16. Bob Lee Swagger...teach me pls ahahha
  17. False ./pif TPBM love Coca-Cola
  18. xie xie...
  19. Welcome back ^.^
  20. wow..awesome guide bro...u r pro breaker..idol !!! ^.^
  21. chupa bakla chupke tagay baho unggoy !!!
  22. Goodluck bro..dont ever give up..^.^
  23. Help what ?
  24. gong xi fat choiiiii...?
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