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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. HOPE & FLUSH'S TAG SHOP Prices vary on the request of the Sig. Leave your request here. Hope's recent tags: [x] [x] [x] [x] Flush's recent tags: [x] [x] Form for tag; Text on tag: Stock, Picture, or Ro screenshot: Color choices: Size:
  2. You're welcome sensation :P
  3. Again I really like it, but it's a bit to bright.
  4. Aw you girls are so cute :]
  5. I like it, nice work.
  6. Ok, added the blue.
  7. I resized, these forums SUCK.
  8. I don't like the previous tag I made you; Already talked to you on MSN about that.. :] &
  9. Versace

    [C&C] - Armani

    Promoting myself; I told you xP
  10. Versace


    If you prefer being Kos'd when you leave, sure :]
  11. Versace

    [ C ] Summer

    Yeah thats why in my border I added the white and then a thin black one. I like white borders ):
  12. Like I said on DA I think it's a bit to bright and you've had better works. :]
  13. Versace

    [C&C] - Armani

    Need me to change it, you know where to find me.
  14. Interested in Thanatos & Eddga. Message me on forums?
  15. Versace

    This or that

    Cheddar Teeth or Feet
  16. Versace


    Oh no, we only recruited you because we felt bad for you. We don't normally recruit people that hit low and die fast... ;]
  17. Versace

    [ C ] Summer

    7/10 It looks beautiful but like everyone else said it's a little to bright. Another border would be nice as well. Oh & for the record; Blue & Green :]
  18. Versace


    Of course you can join Sard, find me in game :]
  19. Versace


    I actually brightened it on photoshop and changed it a bit but I was to lazy to post it here... Towards everything else it's not just a bunch of c4d's or renders together but you'd only see that if you saw the .psd file to understand what I did. Thanks for your honest opinion though. & honestly I'm sick and tired of regular borders, majority of the time they look a bit.. newbish.
  20. 4/5 for the first one.. second one I'm not grading since I have something against that font and O'd make my opinion biased on that fact. :]
  21. Versace


  22. April? FINE I'M BLACK.

  23. K i'll be the... white one, the one that doesn't exist because he's to AWESOME for the show

  24. Versace


    ON SECOND THOUGHT; I'm getting spammed by messages so just leave a comment here :]
  25. Versace


    & for members who join; OH & BTW I'm the leader & Mac Truck is the Co-Leader :]
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