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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Versace

    Oh man..

    Cliff Notes!! >:[
  2. That'd be cute :] Wedding pics I mean
  3. Ignore Flush. You & your fiance are so cute :]
  4. Versace

    Oh man..

    lmao.. this was due last Friday and I skipped so I can turn it in late= Senioritis. I'm reading cliff notes and answering some questions then theres those questions like that.. & it throws me off :[
  5. Versace

    New on the forums

    Welcome to forums :] Need help with anything just ask
  6. Versace

    Oh man..

    Damn it :[.. Do you at least remember why The Ancient Marnier was important to Walton and how Frankenstein was simmiliar to the poem?
  7. Versace

    Oh man..

    Has anyone reading this read the novel Frankenstein?
  8. Versace

    Oh man..

    I thought i've always had it. Then I became a senior and realized i'm graduating in less then a month. I really don't want to do this English homework right now.
  9. Versace

    Oh man..

    I have a bad case of Senioritis. For those who don't know what that is... [x]
  10. Welcome to fRO "Beezie" If you need any help or anything make sure you "holler" i'll "hook" you up with "free shit" & levels. :]
  11. Nice & Simple. The words helped me realize it was a feather though.
  12. Photoshop :]
  13. Nope, Tamahome. :]
  14. Jhoota.
  15. From back in the day: Power Rangers & Ninja Turtles & Captain Planet <3 I don't watch television much anymore.
  16. I love alba but honestly I don't like how you made this... You can do better.
  17. It looks cool and all but.. I really don't like the background that you used... or the font you used. at all.. but the sprite looks really cute?
  18. YOU GUYS CANT EVEN SEE MY FACE. That's why I picked that picture >.> @JesusT: Don't get me wrong, I like your hair... But I don't like the part where it says Jesus
  19. Oh that's pretty small .__. I'll start something tomorrow :]
  20. It's to plain and ugly. It's nice & simple, I like it that way. You really like those bird brushes don't you :P Only thing I don't find really needed in this is the M Creations in the corner considering it already says metaphorical creations in the wallpaper itself.
  21. Even if your gypsy's name seems alone or whatever.. like.. It just looks weird. Can't explain it
  22. It's nicely put together but I really don't like the shape and how she looks so alone.. like.. secluded. 9.5/10 <3
  23. How small?
  24. Lol cute. I'm working on a self-portrait pop art thing in graphics class actually. I'll consider posting it from school. :]
  25. Enjoy.
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