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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. lol sorry hey i just saw your message, i can make you one but i charge :/

  2. I love & miss you :]
  3. But like, you win, you pay for yourself .__.?
  4. Are you paying for this Zack?
  5. That's why you should do select themes, that way so&so's vote doesn't get persuaded because they like pokemon/digimon/dicks, etc.
  6. Did you flatten it?
  7. Versace

    Wolfy's Designs

    Interesting items but you really need to work with your type choices, they look dull and do not suit the rest of the sig. Also, I don't like your animations much.
  8. Versace


    The coloring looks a little akward
  9. Versace


    Thank you Armani :]
  10. Versace

    Mario Kart

    You traded your Wii for a 360?
  11. Yes :]
  12. Versace


    Thanks for all the leeching Rath. Happy Belated Birthday, Sorry it took me a while to actually make it. But now that school's basically over, I actually worked on it.. Enjoy.
  13. LOL, dude I just made a sig for Rath in the same position, I never saw your sig before that. Weird.
  14. Versace

    Mario Kart

    We should have a giant fro wii party.
  15. It's really nice.... I love that show. haha & the style you use to make your sigs is appealing as well.
  16. I already told you what I felt about it. I really think those changes would improve it in a positive way :]
  17. Everyone seems to be picking up on that style of type for thier sigs. It's nice though :]
  18. Versace

    Mario Kart

    Lol :P can you guys play online?
  19. LOL cute. Yeah, GM's are people, all the pros & cons go along with that ;]
  20. Versace

    Mario Kart

    Okay so after I got this game I was totally addicted. Anyone else have it? I'll play you guys :] [ Wii ]
  21. Versace


    Roses are red. Violets are blue. Rajaa's a hoe. & Hope is one too.
  22. LOLWTF?
  23. You need to get rid of some of your images in your sig, they're highly distracting.
  24. Zach, I'll help you out if you need any. Just look around at other sigs & see what you like about them, evaluate them & consider what you'd want to do.. Once you see something you like ask me and I can help you on how to achieve on doing it :]
  25. Versace


    Tick's daughter plays, she's 7.
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