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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. pix please, to much spam :[
  2. Wow rath, change your sig please.
  3. ily all. (: cept you fag.
  4. My little sister gave me that graduation dog when I graduated last year. It sings and dances.. kinda like me with barney.
  5. Hey, I need my stuff back. :]

  6. Yeah that sucks, i'll miss you? :[
  7. LMAO BLADE. That's great, play it for me sometime.-- You still have my sig? Looks gross. Hi Hrist & Tran :] & iGay-- I'm just.. Hope.
  8. Not really. I just had nothing better to do in between work/school/having a life. (:
  9. I haven't played RO since I quit fRO -- I'd love to come back if it wasn't for some retards & e-drama :/

  10. hi tran :]
  11. I don't know if he still plays, I couldn't get in contact with him today so I decided to leave him some love here. Happy Birthday Raph <3 Love always, Rajaa P.S. Hi to everyone I know, message me on MSN sometime :]
  12. armani!!! sorry i saw your name in forums & wanted to say hi. kk bye :]
  13. 5.. out of 5. :] sexyyness.
  14. Versace


    Stalker. Lol i'm only there sometimes. You can also find stalk me at college and having a real life if you want.
  15. Versace


    If you guys haven't noticed, I quit. All my love to the turtles & my friends on this server. Have a great time. I don't care who you were to me or are to me. Don't ask me for items. Genesis, good luck with your server. Love always, Hope. also known as: Baile, Golden, Belline, Couture, Luella, Selace, Versace, S k y *, Heartening, Rajaa.. & more to those who care; [email protected]
  16. They're real, Why would I sell fake items?
  17. Yes. /gg
  18. Anyone ever heard of Bape? Make me rich. [ x ] [ x ]
  19. Versace


    A little something I made pretty quickly just to show that I care. :]
  20. Versace

    new *NARI* new

    Anyways, I hope to see you in game :] Welcome again & Make sure you check out the fRO vent, You'll meet some interesting people there...
  21. Versace

    new *NARI* new

    Nanjooo :] You were the one that lived near me right???! Anyways Welcome to Forsaken, I'll help you with w/e you need. BTW;; Forsaken RO & Quality RO are hella different but I hope you enjoy your stay here. Honestly, Anything you need, just ask. :] EDIT; How's heaven's wing? Lol
  22. Nice. I'm getting sick of vertical sigs and that sort of type now.. Come on guys... Suprise me, be creative.
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