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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. You look so young, how old are you?
  2. Versace

    C&C - Armani

    Alright, sounds good to me... Just for curiosity's sake, what is your style? I tried that actually and I didn't like how it looked so I did the movie border. In my own opinion, it looked better then the other one.
  3. Versace

    C&C - Armani

    I tried to keep it simple, I didn't want anything to cluttered. If this isn't what you were looking for or if you want me to make any changes, Contact me any way possible. Considering Armani didn't want this... I made one for myself w/ a smaller border.
  4. C&C = Comment & Critique, sorry to bring your hopes up.
  5. It used to be free for a while but I started charging again... This sig was done for 15. There are graphics artists here who will prob. do it for free though :]
  6. Versace

    This or that

    Acoustic. Hot or Cold
  7. Any problems just find me in game or message me on forums :]
  8. To ugly. >:] MORE PICS PLEASE. *Finds a picture to post* You can't see me >:]
  9. Thats impossible, he's to fugly >:] 1-800-hott-chick , Sarhan Call that.
  10. 18 :]
  11. Yo since when is he a G? He's so soft >:]
  12. Nah Just cute. >:]
  13. SEXIEST KID EVER AWARD = SARHAN. :] edit; i think i have a phone pic somewhere...
  14. Nai!! LOL Anyways enough spam here .__.
  15. LOL Nice :P I'm listening to Hilary Duff. Memories to Metaphor : The Masses
  16. wo kya? xP
  17. Oh I said she didn't I. God damn guys dressed as girls in game >:[
  18. I talked to Blueberry on msn today :P - So I'm guessing she does have MSN!
  19. Nice & Simple :] I commented on your DA as well <3
  20. Reread it :P I'll get started on a little something after english homework & two other sigs I have to make. Are you interested in a sprite?
  21. I wouldn't say that. I do take graphics classes in [high school] & I do side things for people for some change but I'm not really professional. I'm thinking of doing advertising/graphic design after I get all the required college bs done this summer/year.
  22. Yeah that'd be cool :] [email protected]
  23. Between my graphics classes, jobs I do for people, and tags for people on RO, its driving me crazy :[ Even when I log in game I get about 234967296 requests. Not fun.
  24. BTW; Where did you get the sprite for the day aura?
  25. lmao. Uhm yeah as for the render I believe it's the outer glow that gave it a bit of a blurry look but honestly I need a break from photoshop before I go crazy.
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