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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Do you have a screenshot of your character? It'd help us know how you look.
  2. I like how it's different, it breaks away from what people are usually doing now. Keep it up :]
  3. Versace


    Hrist, honestly, the only poem I can say I really did like of yours was prom night. :P but all of you guys are talented.. Jason yours are interesting to read :]
  4. Versace

    4 Taco.

    why thank you :]
  5. Versace

    Can't Login

    Which kro/sakray do you have downloaded
  6. You look young... but dont' worry at all, Fluffy looks young as well.
  7. So like... what's good?:]

  8. Versace


    I don't think i've donated once and I have every donation item you can achieve on this game... plus more.
  9. Versace

    Can't Login

    I believe I saw him in game... He fixed his problem?
  10. Versace

    My Buy List

    I have a HR to sell.. find me in game on Belline or message me on forums, fastest way to reach me.
  11. Versace

    4 Taco.

  12. Love it like always :] 10/10
  13. Versace

    4 Taco.

    I was being lazy, here it is. I should of made you shitting your name.
  14. Just be careful on how you say some things because people can take offense to it. @ Fuzzy Lumpkins: You're muslim? Cool. :]
  15. It's whatever you want it to be.
  16. Internet or not you should learn how to respect other peoples religions and not make racial jokes like that. Once you get harassed Dama you go buckwild on it, I have a right to defend this and comment on it. You expect respect but you have no idea how to give it. I have nothing against you personally but small shit like this really gets on my nerves.
  17. Thanks.. :]
  18. I used the purple.. leken yaar.. kethna ghanda bequas chese hai yeh.. pagal ho joyunge.
  19. I love your stuff Ice. Nice :]
  20. Three versions because of my inability of choosing. I'm on the verge of giving up. & & I should of put hopeless.
  21. Chill with it. Either way it has relevance to people of the Islamic faith being terrorists. I'm sick of people mentioning it that way...
  22. why does terrorist = allah? man what the fuck.. have some respect for people who are muslim
  23. Versace


    I really do like it, it has a complex rhyme structure.. not that it matters at all, but it's really moving :]
  24. Zealand? Tick do you hate your children or something?
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