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Cherry Kiss

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Cherry Kiss

  1. Welcome !
  2. Welcome !
  3. that was my suggest with the spy program the gms just have to find a new way to solve the problem cause its not fair , Nowdays the best feeder wins thats the pvp
  4. true tpbm is married hahaha true tpbm is married hahaha
  5. 2920
  6. damn cause i was angry i wrote leader not ladder LOL
  7. 2918
  8. sry for that verbal abuse but thats true not nice how the newbies getting 150 kills from the one day to the other what we need is a better spy , maybe a gm who stands in sometimes with a spy programm or whatever thats the job ob the gms to do something aganst that , pvp ladder nowdays only a fight of cheaters
  9. 2913
  10. 2908
  11. -1
  12. Welcome !
  13. Happy Birthday Nas !!!!!!!
  14. atm Xathanael
  15. Welcome !
  16. 2899
  17. 2893
  18. 2886
  19. nice jokes flex
  20. clown 10% gypsy 5% my suggest
  21. 2880
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