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Cherry Kiss

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Cherry Kiss

  1. balloon+ 200 = champcape
  2. +12 all stats and hp+ 10%
  3. i still sell haha
  4. Cherry Kiss

    Some Stuff

    White Balloon ( 1200 ) PvP Tokens ( 230 ) Lk Halb ( 600 ) IGN: Emesis / Ferth.
  5. S>5PvPTokens 250 each IGN: Emesis Ferth. Emes
  6. Abysmal Knight realy works to break emp ? or is turtle general better
  7. Leave offer or ur IGN k thanks or pm Ferth. / Emes
  8. my are 4:1
  9. Cherry Kiss


    4:1 is the offer leave IGN.... got many
  10. which one ?
  11. didnt found that lol thank u solace =)
  12. Maybe someone got a list of all mvp respawns in forsakenro ?
  13. i already bought f.boots and emp
  14. and i buy emp
  15. Pm Me on Ferth. or just leave ur offer here
  16. already bought
  17. Cherry Kiss

    Selling !

    Selling Items : Dorcus[650] StrBelts[150] ClownSB[???] F.Knux[25] Incant Phree Hollow FBH Tanee OrcLord LEAVE IGN NAME AND OFFER B> SniperSB
  18. sold already
  19. I buy sniper sb and dex belts please offer me Selling items : str belts , dorcus if u need we can trade
  20. and again i need tokens for new items ..... damn
  21. Cherry Kiss


    Sell Sinxcrit offer me and leave IGN .... i accept good trades too just leave ur offer
  22. next offer please
  23. Selling Sinxcrit just post me ur offer and your IGN .... Thanks =] accept good trades too ;)
  24. 600 tokens sinx crit
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