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Cherry Kiss

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Cherry Kiss

  1. 1937
  2. welcome to the server
  3. there are enough builds to be a strong pvp pally
  4. Cherry Kiss

    Fun In Fro

    i missed it too lol
  5. different savor here lol http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xs910e_ne-yo-let-me-love-you-until-you-learn-to-love-yourself-hd-720p_music?search_algo=2#.UQQqF_KdWAE
  6. 1929
  7. 1926
  8. was online in woe so yes tpbm likes WoE lol
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vANZKzq2Hak
  10. its not balanced enough
  11. false :D tpbm is hungry
  12. welcome to the server
  13. i agree with deniz
  14. 1924
  15. everything is making me mad at the moment prof and hw dont have so much hp tell me 1 class who kills lord knight with seeds macro
  16. i dont like the new pvp room buffs removed on entering is ok , but fcp returns also cause its a buff that means every fcking nub is striping now at the pvp room so stalkers and snipers are the strongest pvp class now no more funny sinx are more bad then ever only for woe as breaker , and lord knight is the most easy class now every damn nub play the lord knights now = ALOT hp 90% of skills is spiral pierce = press only 1 key . turn the hp down of the lord knights or whatever its not fair this is my suggestion i dont know if other players think the same .
  17. wrong thread and sry idk where
  18. damn i was to lazy for that but u did haha
  19. k thank u
  20. there are alot of topics for sinxbreaker just search
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