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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. Once upon a time, both Jay and Linda ran into each other, bump their heads and fell unconsciously while a mob of poring attacked them. The End :P
  2. Well ima poke you before you poke me :P
  3. Welcome and hopes you make new friends :3!
  4. Sure you can join :P
  5. Welcome to the server, hopes you make new buddys :3
  6. Also make a rainbow valk helm :3!!
  7. Mhm :3 TPBM wants a snowball grenade launcher for Christmas :P
  8. Titanic GM Frost or a golden roasted marshmallow :3
  9. Once upon someone couldn't make up a story so we had to end it. The End.
  10. Welcome to the server, hope you make lots of new friends here also we all love your artwork :D!!!!
  11. Once upon a time, the world ended. The End ;3
  12. Granted, but the payment was a punch in the face :P I wish every items in Fro was rainbows color :3
  13. ScarletDevilmoon


    Hmmm... Trying to convince me to not kill them will bring them to the front of my list :3...
  14. Tomorrow ill be back playing Fro :3 from my week vacation, can you tell me what crazy things has been happening :P?

    1. coffee break

      coffee break

      Staring and biting competition.

    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Lol :P don't stare w/o me yet :3

  15. Lol scarlet scarf :3 and a rainbow scarf as well :P
  16. The person above me is just pure awsome :P
  17. His name is Wi-Chan ^
  18. Once upon a time a guy triped and landed on his face. The End
  19. Snow :D!!! Pudding or yogurt :3
  20. Lol best friend o3o Being able to fly or being able to breath under water :P
  21. Sure we can add ya = w = Hope you have fun in the guild when you join :P
  22. @Fell: lol you hide in that bush while I stalk ya by hiding in a tree or fading in with a building :P, I think Frost knows what I mean XD
  23. ScarletDevilmoon


    The last 5 people on my list are Genesis, Katsura, Perservance, Decode and Noir,..... The rest is a secret :P
  24. ~dodges and you tackled Genesis instead~ :3
  25. ScarletDevilmoon


    Dw he's not next on my list XD I gotta start with the first,...btw I'ma shoot down the bubble by throwing you at it :P
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