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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Boklek

  1. Boklek


    tnx. i'm scared of wasting my 100 toks in fking room
  2. what is the wing that gives Perfect dodge? in Fking room
  3. T>BioCape+Jrage+Urds+Purple Dragon Mask +SnipSB=SinxBless+Crit+LokiSeaLs
  4. T> MY BIO SET + urds = SNIPER SET + freyrs PM ME. Alaistar or tre13se
  5. S> LOKI BLADE[1.2] or offer S> BIOCAPE[2.2] + JRAGE[1.2] + 2 Urds[1.8] or offer
  6. T> Bio Set + urds= Sniper Set+freyrs
  7. 748.
  8. Boklek

    B> Blue Emp

  9. i think new players here wants to have this kind of suggestion so they will know how to break in this server. . only the old/strong players dont want to have this kind of suggestion. since they dont want their carding combination be found. so most of the strong players will be -1 since they are SELFISH! they dont think about the new players. they only think about themselves. this is the problem with this server. they only think about themselves. they dont think what will help in the server. and for the new ones.
  10. they disapprove that suggestion before
  11. i really dont know why the players in this server dont like the @Ali slot 1 , 2 ,3
  12. so frustrated with some guys in here. they don't use their brain.

  13. LOL. if you want to compare WS and BIO ok then. WS has pnuema(with thor) + TH(range attack) + CT with WTF DAMAGE. and you dont need KIEL here, just attack speed. so you can use Fsold/Maya/ Poring TOWER(reduction). how about Bio. yes we can be caster + range attack. but if you want melee attack(mamonite) you cannot have range attack and magic. and we need 3-4 kiel depending in your internet connection. in this information. bio cannot match 1 v 1 to WS. if you use Acid bomb they can use pnuema. if you use casting skill. use gtb. hahaha. very funny. what do you think the damage of mamonite with LOW STR? do you imagine it? :D (bio) and one more thing. what is benefit of bio class in this statement you said "And besides the Tao card alrdy enhanced WS's HP now." zero wants to say that. put addition 10% in BIO. can you read his first comment? it means. the percent in WS will be the same. hayssssssss
  14. lol. woe 2 rules. in changing holder. if it DOESN'T break
  15. hey guys,. the 2 weeks unbreak is still on. if you can see. every week or 2 weeks. the castle break. but they still get the castle back. so there is no reason to change the castle's holder to the GM. since the emp always break. >.> i'm agree with the change of time. probably 9-10 or 8-9 of that day.
  16. i have a question. why you didn't suggest it before when the motto has it. DO you have an issue with the castle holder? Compare to motto's defense. the defense of osfa is nothing. and that time there is a breakneck. so what's your problem with osfa? just being owned by nood players is hard to accept? and for the GM that will reviewed it. DON'T BE BIAS PLEASE.
  17. i think it is still implemented. i just had been broken. but they have stole it again int he last minute again
  18. make it 1z. :) so the new players can buy this things :))
  19. bump
  20. LOL zergling. how about the snipers! hahahha.. it is hard to get close with them. especially when they are using charge arrow.
  21. alternative to npc. use the battle log to see the killing spree (the regular log wont see the spree. so if you want to see the spree just click the battle log chat. :))
  22. i think only few players will join here. since the price is just mini event toks
  23. the map should be place in poring_c01. so it will be smaller place. and you should kill the right poring name. if you kill the wrong poring(ex. p0r1ng) you will be thrown out in the map. this will make the poring event more playable compare hunting in big map like for_fild01. since the price is just 1 mini e.toks.
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