i didn't say that we should return the old emp back. the point is you want to change an item that cannot be made again. and you don't want to return the castle drop that is required in making SGH.
i suggest that pally halb have 10-20% increase in Grand Cross. coz comparing to odin, pally halb is nothing. so to balance the two item i suggest that pally halb will be GC type and odin as Rapid Smith type.
some attacks of Gs nulled by pneuma. so by looking at your reason. GS has more weakness compare to snipers. and Desp can also be nulled my land protection.
the event game is usually in luck base game. so i suggest to have breaking emp event. No Pk and the winner will get 2-3 event tokens only because most probably assassin class will definitely win here.
an additional event wont harm. XD